Chapter 15 (Unedited)

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Clint POV

After Tony had eaten his way to a sugar high worthy of several packets of candy, he had disappeared for about two hours, presumably to a run on the treadmill. From the many years I'd had the pleasure of Tony's company - and friendship - he had gotten to that level of hyper-ness no more than a dozen times. Every time he ate the Tony Stark Stack™ - the name that he had not only chosen but also quite literally trademarked for his special pancakes - he ran himself into oblivion, and then slept for close to twelve hours. When Pepper had returned that night and we passed on the message that Tony was working out she understandably raised a questioning eyebrow. However as soon as she was informed of the consumption of Tony Stark Stack ™ she let out a slight giggle, and headed up to their room - informing us that he had probably crashed by now.

Now that I'd passed on the message to Pepper I turned off the Tv show I had been watching, Brooklyn 99, and wondered where the rest of the Avengers had gone. Steve Bruce and Natasha had disappeared shortly after Tony had gone off to work out, and I hadn't cared enough at the time to listen to where they were going. Remembering that Tony had wanted Natasha and Steve to get checked out by Bruce, I took a wild guess that they had probably headed to Bruce's lab, and headed down myself.

Upon entering Bruce's lab I mentally cheered myself on - one nil to me. Steve was sitting on a examination table, whilst Bruce took what appeared to be an MRI of his chest. "Your lungs still look perfectly healthy, whatever that travel thing was didn't seem to actually suffocate you, no matter how it made you feel during it. And from the tests I've done on both you and Natasha the only side effect from it seems to be a temporary elevation in the signal that Tony has been tracking - and even that appears to be decreasing each time I test you." Bruce spotted me at this point, and stopped his recounting of their test results.

"Oh hey Clint, I take it Pepper is back now?" I nodded, pulling myself to sit up upon a counter top. "I think she's glad that he had those pancakes, because it means he'll finally have enough rest to function like a human. Sleep is not optional after that much of a sugar high crash, so he might start repaying his sleep debt. Anyway Pepper said to remind you guys that Fury met with her briefly this morning, and that he said he would come by in the morning to talk with us." Catching a glimpse of the clock I was surprised to see that it was almost 11pm. It seemed that the entire season of Brooklyn 99 I had watched earlier had really taken a couple of hours, and not the thirty minutes it had felt like. "Anyway speaking of meeting Fury in the morning I think that I need to catch some sleep, or I'll be more zombie like than Stark normally is." Natasha nodded, and stood up from where she had been leaning against a counter.

We headed up to our rooms, no conversation needed, a familiar comfortable silence between us. As we parted at the corridor that split off to our rooms, I was entertaining thoughts about the teens we had been watching, and that I had briefly met this afternoon - and when I would be seeing them next.

Waking up at 8am was nowhere near the top of my list of things that I had wanted to do today, but here I was doing exactly that. It seemed that Tony, when he had a normal amount of sleep, was a morning person. Great.

"CLINT," he yelled through my door. "I'm making waaaaaaffles! Also Fury will be here in about 20 minutes so you may want to you know, get up, and have breakfast and stuff." Wiping the last dregs of sleep from my eyes I very literally rolled out of bed. Landing hard, on the wooden floor, I took a minute to groan in pain before slowly getting up. I was very much NOT a morning person. Nevertheless I was ready to head down to the kitchen in 5 minutes, accustomed to quick mornings from the amount of missions I had completed - laying in would usually get you killed horrifically when in enemy territory, and sadly the luxury of having a 30 minute shower was unheard of.

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