Chapter 5: Busted

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*******Harry P.O.V*******

I got ushered away by the body guard and took one last glance at Juliette. She was stunning. It was true French girls did have the "touch" to make them amazing. I walked into the limo and seated myself right next to Louis who was being his weird self, again. "What was that all about?" Liam asked.

"Yeah mate. You were snogging that Juliette girl!" Niall exclaimed, his hands in the air in exasperation.

"Guys, this isn't really my type, but I think I may have a crush on her..." I say slightly unsure if that was true. There was something about her that I wanted, really wanted. It's normally not my type to fall for girls like that, they normally go for me.

"What?! Are you kidding me?" Louis asked raising his eyebrows at me, "what happened to my Hazza who wasn't into relationships? Are you sure about this?"

"Um... Well not really, but I have a different feeling about her and it makes me feel good... Happy."

"Well I guess it can't hurt to find out!" Zayn told me.

"Yeah I really hope she will text me!"

"Well of course she will! What girl wouldn't want to take the chance and text the Harry Edward Styles?" Liam asked emphasizing my name.

I took a moment to take in what had happened this past night. I bumped in to this hot chick who started cussing at me... "great start!" I mentally slapped myself for how I met Juliette. Then out of no where we are making out in the end. "Over all goodnight!" I praise myself mentally, "Pat on the back for the man Harry Styles!" My phone gave a sudden jolt and vibrated. I pulled it out and checked to see who it was. My heart pounding with excitement.

New text from: (567) 891-0234

Hey it's Juliette the girl you think is hot and also the girl you just kissed. ;)

Seriously?! She couldn't tell a lie could she? She really kept her word for it when she said she would text that. "Who is it?" I heard a voice echo next to me. I turned around to my right and saw Lou peering over my shoulder.

"It's um... Juliette!" I said trying to hold my excitement back.

"Told you she would text you Hazza!" Liam proclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah you did. I guess I can take your word for it Lou when you say girls are unpredictable! You don't know what to expect!" I said typing away my response to Juliette. I was slightly nervous to just break it to her and ask her on a date, but I really didn't have time and wanted to get to know her.

To Juliette (the hot girl): hello my love. Do you have any special plans for tomorrow?xx

Yup that would have to do. I wasn't implying anything to harshly I just wanted to be smooth and let it go freely. "Tell us what you said!" Nial pouted.

I bit my lip nervously, "I asked her out on a date, but it was more of an 'are you doing anything tomorrow?' I'm trying to keep it smooth."

"Yay!" All the boys had erupted in cheers for me.

"You finally got a girl! Now we just need Niall to get one!" Lou said winking at Niall.

"I have a girlfriend what are you talking about?!" Niall exclaimed back to Louis in a joking manner, "what do you call my love for food?"

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot!" Louis joked back, "Just don't tell your fans you like girls who like carrots. It's a big mistake!"

"Oh Lou! Don't you remember though? You said you liked girls who like lambourghini's!" I started bursting out in laughter at that memory, "let's just hope Juliette doesn't have a carrot lambourghini so that Louis can't steal her from me."

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