Korea, here I come! ✈

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As I neatly folded my clothes into my luggage, my mother came into the room.
"Leanne, are you ready yet?"
"Yes, mum," as I nodded.
My mother walked towards me with a grin on her face with her arms apart, ready to hug me.
"Oh my goodness! So today is your big day! Are you sure you will be fine? Will you miss me? I will miss you so very much!"
"Haha, yes, mum. I'll be fine. Please do not worry about me. I'll be with Sho anyway"
"Ah, yes, Sho. I can rely on him."
As we continued talking about my trip to Korea, my phone started to ring.
"Hello?" I said. "Oh! Sho! What's up?... You're what?! Why are you already at the airport?!" I gasped with shock. I quickly gathered my things, rushing out the door. "Okay, okay! I'll be there as quick as I can!" .
I rushed down the stairs with my luggage bouncing off and onto the floor.
"DAAAAD! MUUUM! Hurry! Sho is already at the airport! C'mon slowpokes!" I yelled out, running out the door to the car.

An hour later, I arrived at the airport. I saw Sho sitting down by himself. I jumped out of the car, about to run up to him.
"Hold up, missy!" my father said as he caught my arm.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he said.
 I hesitated for awhile until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, seeing Sho with a gentle smile on his face.
"You're late." he said.
"Good morning, Mr & Mrs." Sho waved to my parents.
"Good morning to you too.." I whispered and frowned. 
"Sho! Sorry to keep you waiting." my father patted him on the back.
I got my luggage out of the car with the help of my mother. I hugged and kissed my mother and father goodbye when it was time to go.
When I entered the door, it was packed. It was so crowded with people that it would be difficult to walk around.
 I sighed and wrapped my arm around Sho's.
"Don't lose me, okay?" as I smiled at him.
Sho laughed softly "You're such a child." as he patted my head.
I frowned and let go of his arm. I poked my tongue out and continued walking into the crowd.
So today was the day. My dream to go to Korea. What could possibly happen? 

Korea, here I come! ✈Where stories live. Discover now