Text Message ✈

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Then I woke up. Same apartment, same ceiling, same bed.

I was drooling on my pillow while wrapping my body around it.

"A dream, huh?" I whispered.

I wiped my mouth and noticed I was wearing sleeves. I remembered I was wearing short sleeve yesterday. I looked underneath the blanket, and saw myself wearing different clothes. No bra and different underwear. Did Sho change my clothes himself?! Did he see my body?! My face went red. My mind went crazy. My body started feeling hot.

"This is so embarrassing!" I squealed as I hid myself underneath the blanket.

Minutes of complaining and embarrassment, I realised Sho isn't here. I peeked my head out of the blanket.

"Sho?"I yelled.

No answer.

I slowly go out of bed, out of the bedroom.

"Umm.. Sho?" I said.

Still no answer.

I saw a bowl of rice with meat and vegetables on the table. It had a note next to it. It read "Eat up.". I could tell it was Sho's handwriting.

I pouted. I took my phone out of my bag and ran back to my food. I lied on my back on the floor and held the phone in front of me. I started to text Sho.

Leanne's TXT

oppaaaaaaaa T~T

where r u?

omg u fool!! why did u leave me alone? D:

answer soon!

I sighed and closed my eyes. I laid down on my side and watched my phone in front of me. I waited and waited. Still no reply. Its been 17min. Where is he? What is he doing? 30min later, I started to get droopy.The phone fell out of my hand until BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. My phone vibrates.

"Huh?! Oh, Sho!" as I shot right back up from the floor.

Sho's TXT

Haha, sorry.

I'm at my relative's house.

I would've told you but you looked so cute when you were sleeping! :p

And how is your foot? Does it still hurt?

Oh, and, eat up. Don't wait for me.

Leanne's TXT

omg seriously ><

i miss u already lol

now that u mention it, its fine ^__^

and okay, it looks yum :D

I gobbled up the food.

"Yum.." I said, licking my lips.

Then suddenly, a reminder popped up.

Sho changed my clothes!

"KYAAAAHHH!" I screamed while wrapping my arms around myself.

I quickly picked up my phone.

Leanne's TXT


did u change my clothes?

omg i could just.....hit you rn!

u are in SO much trouble!!  o(≧o≦)o

I kept sending Sho messages saying how much I hate him and what I'm going to do with him.

Sho's TXT

Woah, 12 messages from you!

Okay, yes, I did change your clothes but you shouldn't worry!

Not like I would touch you in a weird way anyway.


Leanne's TXT


how can i relax?!

you changed my bra and undies!!


i bet you were like this when you saw 'them' =  ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

pervert, pervert, pervert!!!

Sho's TXT

What?! Pervert?!

Okay, okay!

1. I would NEVER do that

2. You had grass and dirt all over your clothes

3. I'm pretty sure you would have wanted to change

And that face is creepy!

Leanne's TXT

(ー_ー ) hmph..

better be true..

so what am i gonna do without u?

Sho's TXT

It is.

Umm.. I guess you could explore.

Its a nice day today.

Make friends.

Leanne's TXT

make friends?

its scaryyy (ㄒoㄒ)

i could get kidnapped! or even raped! ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Sho's TXT

I would never let that happen.

Trust me. People are nice here.

Oh, I gotta go.

I won't text back for a few hours.


Leanne's TXT

oh.. bye

( ̄∠  ̄ )ノ

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