Chapter 15

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Emerson waited up for a while that night. She was still wired from the game. She wanted to talk to Gray before going to bed, but knew he wouldn't be calling for awhile. He had lots of interviews to do, and she knew a few friends were coming up. She decided that he probably got too busy, so at around four in the morning she decided to go to bed. Before she went to sleep, she texted Grayson
Em: Goodnight babe, I'm so proud of you!! I'm getting tired now, so I'm going to go to sleep, I hope you are having fun with your friends. Call me when you can tomorrow! Sweet dreams. Xoxo
    She quickly fell asleep due to being over tired from all of the emotions today caused. She really was proud of all he accomplished. She just wished she could be there with him.
The next morning Emerson wakes up because of a buzzing on her phone. She smiles, thinking its Grayson, but when she flips it over, its a text from her best friend Quinn
Quinn: omg is this Grayson? And is she that Bailey girl that you told me about, you know, Grayson's ex? She posted it this morning on instagram

 She smiles, thinking its Grayson, but when she flips it over, its a text from her best friend QuinnQuinn: omg is this Grayson? And is she that Bailey girl that you told me about, you know, Grayson's ex? She posted it this morning on instagram

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    Sure enough it was them. Grayson had told her about a lot of his high school friends that were coming to the game, but he didn't tell her about this one. She decided to look on Bailey's insta to see it as well. Bailey had captioned a photo: "Finally reunited with my other half". Grayson always did say she was a little dramatic, but what caught Emerson by surprise was what she saw next. Grayson commented "I missed seeing you too, it was great catching up".
Emerson thought, okay not too bad, she just wanted to hear Grayson out. He probably had an explanation. The only thing that kind of hurt her, was the fact that Grayson still hadn't called, but he had obviously been on his phone.She called him then to try to talk to him.
"Emerson?" he asked surprised
"yeah, hey Gray, how are you?"
"Oh my god, I completely forgot to call you, i'm an idiot, I'm sorry" he started to panic
"No its fine Gray, I just got a little worried. How were your friends"
"They were great, I haven't see most of them in a while, so it was good to catch up. I hope you didn't stay up too late"
"No, I wasn't very tired, so I didn't mind staying up. Hey you didn't tell me Bailey was coming" Emerson asked out of curiosity.
"That's because I didn't know"
"How was she"
"Same old Bailey, kinda crazy"
"How come you guys looked very cozy in that Insta picture?"
"Em, I know what you're thinking. You can't play the detective very well. She wanted a picture, so I didn't say no, so that she wouldn't keep bothering me. I commented so that she wouldn't go crazy on me. She'll be gone by tonight, and we'll go back to not talking. There is nothing to worry about."
"Okay Gray, whatever you need to do. Enough about exes, how was giving that speech, you were amazing!"
"Ah thanks, I was nervous as hell"
"Well I think "y'all" did amazing"
"Hey! I was nervous, that's what I say when I'm in front of groups of strangers"
"I thought it was cute, my little cowboy. However, if I had to take a shot everytime you said y'all in that speech, I would blackout before you even finished"
"Ha. Ha. you're so funny"
"I know I am"
It was now thursday, the day of the Notre dame quarterfinal ACC tournament. Grayson had been distant the past couple of days. Emerson thought it was just his way to soak it all in, and prepare for the upcoming games. She let him get his space, because that's what she thought he needed.
Emerson got an unexpected call a few hours before the game. She knew it wasn't Grayson, she had just gotten off the phone with him. He was ready for the game, but noticeably distant. She just shrugged that feeling off and wondered who was calling her.
"Hey Emerson" a nervous Wendell says.
"Hey Wendell, what's up"
"Okay, so I don't know how to tell you this, but I figured you should know. I know if I was in your position I would want to know. Also, I'm calling because the Freshies decided we needed to call you, Alex wanted to do it, but I don't think he would get it as mu-"
"Wendell, I know you have to start warming up soon, so just get to the point" Emerson asks confused.
"Okay, so, Grayson and Bailey have hung out all week together. They are getting really close, and she's even wearing his jersey tonight at the game"
"Wendell, he said she was leaving on sunday"
"She never left, that was just what she told him. I don't think she was ever planning on  leaving. She is most certainly manipulating him now, but he's falling for it"
"Wendell, are you sure?"
"Yes! You even told us that you thought he was acting distant this week, why would he be talking to us and her normally, but be distant with you. I'm sorry that I have to be the one that tells you, but you need to know"
"Thank you Wendell, you are right, I do want to know. I'm going to talk to him after the game, in the meantime though, go kick some Irish butt. Also try not to get more hurt."
"Yes ma'am"
    Grayson. Was. on. Fire. That's the only way to describe it. He finished with 23 points, and was 5 of 6 from the three. It seemed as though he couldn't miss. Also Marvin exploded as usual, but this game was one of very few where both Grayson and Marvin had great games. They were able to figure out a rhythm that worked for them. Trevon also had a great game, he finished with 11 assists. This is the Duke team we needed to see going from now on. The Irish didn't stand a chance, Duke won 88-70, and now faced UNC tomorrow.
    Emerson hated doing what she was about to do, but she needed to talk to him. She just wanted answers, Grayson had been distant with her, and apparently it was because of his ex.
"Thank you" Grayson laughed
"You did amazing, you were literally so hot, oh and you made a few shots"
"Haha" Gray seemed distracted, "shh, no"
"Um Gray, are you talking to someone"
"No" Grayson answered fastly, but she heard a female's voice in the background.
"Okay, besides the good game, I was actually going to call about this, why did you lie to me about Bailey being with you all week"
"She wasn't"
"Gray, please don't lie" she hears shuffling and a close of a door, he  must be walking away from Bailey
"Who told"
"Gray, it doesn't matter, why didn't you tell me"
"I knew you would be mad"
"Well Gray, you called her crazy, and told me not to worry because she was leaving, then she didn't leave and apparently you have been hanging out with her all week, and have been distant with me"
"She's not crazy, and we are good friends, we are allowed to hang out, you can't control me"
"Grayson, you have a history with her! You lied about being with her"
"We haven't done anything"
"You guys are still hanging out though! I don't want you hanging out with her. She uses you! She is seeing that your reputation is cleaning up, so you will be drafted at a higher slot than thought, she wants your money."
"She has changed"
"I can assure you she hasn't"
"You don't fucking know her"
"You are 100% right Grayson. I don't know her. I know what you have told me, and I know what girls like her do"
"You're wrong"
"Grayson, why are you defending her?"Emerson asks with tears running down her cheeks.
"She is my first, she has changed...."
"Is she really what you want"
"I really like you, and..."
"Answer the question"
"She's always been the one..."
"Goodbye Grayson" Emerson says as she completely loses it. She was starting love him. And now her heart was breaking because of a boy who lived 639 miles apart from her. She couldn't describe the pain. She never felt this before.
    Emerson was still in her bed thinking about everything that had happened a few hours prior. She was out of tears at this point, but the silent pain was much worse.She had declined countless calls from the freshies and Luke. She didn't feel like talking. They had found out because they had seen a video of Bailey straddling Grayson on her snap story. She responded to a few texts from the boys, but wouldn't talk.
Luke: Emerson fucking answer! I realize that you don't really want to talk, but I need to know the story before I call my ex-lover to cuss him out
Em: fine
Incoming call Luke Kennard
"I'm so sorry Emerson, Grayson is being a fucking jackass right now, are you okay?"
"Okay as I can be"
"So what happened, start with last sunday when that bitch came to town"
Emerson told him the whole story, the pictures, the distance, the conversation, everything. Surprisingly Luke was a good listener. As much a it sucked, she was glad that she had friends to talk to about this.
"Okay, so Emerson, this is a new outlook for me. I'm unbelievably sorry that he is doing this, but I know he is not in his right mind right now. That isn't an excuse, but still. I'm usually the one that is talked about, I'm the cheater, not the cheatee..."
"Luke, stop joking like that"
"I know, I'm sorry, but it's true, and I'm just trying to cheer you up"
"It's semi working, but I think you should tell me about the girl that rejected you, now that's a funny story...."
    Luke got off the phone with Emerson and was pissed. He was glad that he was able to cheer up Emerson for a little while, but he knew she would go back to crying right after they finished talking. He was just upset at his best friend for acting this way. He knew the witch had him under a spell, but Grayson was usually better than this. He hated how Grayson was acting like him. It was okay for Luke, but not okay for Grayson.
"You are a fucking Dick"
"Luke, it's like 3 AM, in case you forgot I play today"
"I don't give a fuck right now, is that whore with you"
"Luke, Bailey is not a whore, and she left my room a couple hours ago"
"Alright good, the witch can't put a direct spell on you currently then, so WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING"
"Luke, I love Bailey"
"NO YOU DON'T, you love the idea of Bailey. You love this idea of dating the perfect girl from your hometown. Well open your fucking eyes! Emerson is the perfect girl for you, the literal only problem is that she isn't from your hometown"
"Luke, I don't have time for this"
"You are making the biggest mistake of your life, don't come crying to me when you realize that Bailey is just using you"
"Bye Luke"
"Don't make this mistake"

Omg I hate this part. Regardless of the book, GRAYSON WAS ACTIVE TODAY!!! Even if it is just for publicity reasons, I love it.

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