Hang out

830 21 7


As I am getting snacks ready, I turn to grab more but bump into something and squeak as I begin to fall.

Before I can fall on my ass an arms wraps around my waist and pulls me back up into a chest.

"Falling for me already?" Swift says, flashing me a smirk.

I look up into his blue eyes and feel my face heat up. "I-I-I... no! I just- I mean I didn't except you to be right behind me- I just-" he cuts off my rambling with a chuckle.

He lets go with a simple, "just teasin' ya toots." He flops down on the couch looking up at me, "What are we watching gorgeous?"

I blink a couple times, "Oh I was thinking of A Dog's Purpose or Sausage Party." (If either are your favorite movies you were willing to re-watch it.)

"Yeah, definitely Sausage Party." I go to the player and put the movie in, going to grab a couple more snacks. Coming back in I press play and sit besides Swift cross cross, as his feet were propped up on my table. I set the popcorn between us as the movie starts.

We laugh durning the entire movie, Swift flirting here and there. After that movie we continued to watch them until it became late.

"See you later, right?" I ask.

"Of course. Couldn't leave you hanging after our romantic moment." He says, winking as he left through my window.




"THERE WASN'T A ROMANTIC MOMENT!!" I yell after him, blushing.


I hear tapping on my window. I open it to let Rebel in. "What kind of cake are we making?" He asks, stepping in.

"Basic vanilla cake. With cherry flavored frosting." He nods heading to my kitchen. I follow in suit.

"What was wrong with your last cake?"

"Other than the fact that it was burnt? It sunk instead of rising"

"Did you put baking power in it?"

"What powder? Is that cocaine?"

He sighs, shaking his head. "No." He starts to rummaging through my cupboards. He finds what he needs and pulls it out.

As time passes, Rebel continues to help me bake my cake. It seems like he knows exactly what to do.

I try to help, but I think I'm just getting in his way. As he turns to do whatever, I stick my finger in the batter and bring it to my lips.

Suddenly my hand is lightly slapped, and the batter whipped off with a rag. "Ow!" I pout, although it didn't really hurt. I do rub my hand for exaggeration and glare at Rebel.

He rolls his eyes, smirking at he returns to the batter to put it up out of my reach. "Keep your fingers out next time." I pout some more as he starts on the frosting.

Before I knew it, the cake was baked and frosted and Rebel was cleaning up. I begin to help him since I can actually do this part. Soon enough we had finished and he was leaving.

"When are we hanging out again?" I ask as he hops onto the fire escape.

"Who said I wanted to?" He asks back. I pout as he suddenly laughs. "Kidding. Tomorrow at 2?"

I smile, nodding. "Sure."

He nods leaving. I watch him go before closing the window.


Once I set out all the polishers I thought could be helpful. I went back to the task of scouring my house. Before I could start again my phone buzzes.

Ghost👻:  Open the window for me. I'm on the fire escape.

I sigh as I walk to my room. I unlock my window, open it up, and step aside. Ghost hops in looking around my room. "All the polishers are set out in the living room. If they're not what you're looking for, there's some more in those cupboards."

I say, pointing to them as we walk into the living room.

He nods, sitting down and looking through all the bottles and whatnot I had set out.

I turn around and hook my phone up to a speaker through Bluetooth. I turn back to him to see he found one sufficient enough and started polishing.
"Do you mind if I play music?" He shakes his head, rubbing the polished covered rag on his guns.

I open Pandora up and play Shrillex. The first song to play was First of the Year (Equinox) by Shrillex. 

I get back to cleaning, scrubbing the floors with a rag because our mop had broke earlier that day.

It is actually nice having Ghost around. Even though he doesn't talk much (and he was polishing guns), it was nice to actually have company. I finally don't feel so lonely.

After some time he had finished polishing all of his guns and I had finished cleaning up my house. He was now on his way out.

"Hey Ghost?" I ask as he looks back at me questioningly.

"I actually really enjoyed you being here. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" I ask hopefully.

He nods, "... leave your window unlocked tomorrow...." He quickly hops out the window.

I'll take that as a "I'll be back sometime tomorrow." and shut my window smiling.


Before I knew it M.C. was in my house, raiding my fridge. He came into my living room carrying three plates of food. "Ya'know whoever made this food sucks at it." He says, shoving the food in his mouth.

"Then don't eat it!" I glare at him, obviously irritated. I take another sip of (Your fav energy drink) (will be shown as F/ED) to hopefully wake me up.

Before I know it M.C. swipes it out of my hands, chugging it. "M.C.!" I yell snatching it back.

"I need that to keep me awake!"


"Because I stayed up all night watching that!" I say pointing behind me, "and I have to stay up all day watching her!"

"Who? There's nothing there..."

I roll my eyes and look back to see Hope had disappeared. "Fuck! Where'd she go?!"

I shoot up and slam my (F/ED) down on the table as I search for her. Basically flipping my house upside down.

"Oh do you mean her?" M.C. asks, pointing towards my dining room. Hope was pushing one of the chairs. The chair wobbles on its back legs, about to fall on her.

I rush in and pick her up, kick the chair in place just in time and sigh heavily. "You're going to kill me..."

I turn to M.C., "you knew she was there!?"

He shrugs, "I guess." He replies as he shoves the rest of the food in his mouth, setting the pates on the coffee table next to my energy drink.

"You can't let babies do that! They'll get hurt!" He shrugs and stretched. "I'll remember that for next time. Well I should get going, Rebel with throw a tantrum if I come home late..."

I sigh, "Yeah, I'll see ya around."

On his way out Hope grabs his mask tails and tugs. He looks back eyes wide as I give him a sheepish look. He just smirks and puts his three fingered hand on her tummy, moving his fingers. She squeals and lets go as he smiles slightly.

"I'll see you around to Hope." He says before jumping out of my window.

Sorry this took forever I've been a bit busy...

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