When they think of you

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He smirks as he lounges on the couch. Sure Rebel was being annoying today and made him come home because mother hen was worried he'd been gone for too long. Though that's not what the smirk on his face is about.

He is thinking about you and the way your face flushed a whole new shade of red when he kissed your cheek.

He didn't even do anything that inappropriate! Such a childish thing got you so worked up it was cute.

You refused to look at him all the while fidgeting with your hands. When your (e/c) eyes finally met his he couldn't help but grin. Although it only seemed to get you more flustered and you looked away as he left.

For some reason he couldn't get you out of his head now and began thinking about other things.

Like the way you laughed. You could never hold it back and eventually you'd burst and he'd find himself unable to not laugh when you did. You were really contagious.

Or when you got shy you'd smile and look down slightly but your eyes would still be looking up at him. Your face would have a little color and he found it extremely cute. Everything you did was actually quite attractive-

'What? What am I thinking? Humans are nasty vile creatures and I wouldn't hesitate to kill any of them. So why did this one wiggle her way into my mind? Why was I about to say she's attractive? I mean she is but I was thinking about things she did. Do I- like her? No! No, no, no! This will only end bad! She's a human! Why would she like someone like me?'

Swift groans as he slides down the couch and onto the floor. "What have I gotten myself into?" He drawled out as he rest the back of his forearm a crossed his eyes.


He smiles slightly as he cooks dinner. 'Who doesn't know ice doesn't go in milkshakes? She looked so flustered and hurried to cover it up. She still made good milkshakes but how much ice did she think went in?'

He snorts as he continues to think about you. He thinks about the time you stuck your finger in the batter.

You looked so proud of yourself as if you were actually being sneaky. You thought you were going to get away with it as if he wouldn't notice. You looked so shocked when he slapped your hand and wiped it off, as if you weren't going to get caught.

Don't get him started on that little pout of yours. How your eyes get all sad and the lip pops out.

Or when you look at him in amazement. As if he had done the best thing in the world, he loves that look.

'Wait loves? Oh god why did I just think that? Why am I even thinking about her? Am I sick? Did she do something to me? Do I like her? As in more then friends? No I can't possibly like her. That's stupid. She's a dumb little girl who constantly needs my help. But... I like giving her my help. I don't mind helping her. Why do I feel like this?'

Rebel sighs as he stared at the Mac n Cheese that just wouldn't mix. "She's never going to like me anyway." He scowls and drops the mixing spoon on the counter and walks away.



Ghost sets his guns down with a sigh. There was no point in fixing them up and polishing them. His mind is somewhere else entirely.

He can't stop worrying about you. You house was a complete disaster yesterday, and you weren't robbed or anything. It was your own mother. He couldn't get rid of the sad look that crossed your face when you told him.

Although through all of that you still managed to smile at him, and it was genuine.

'Has she dealt with this her whole life? How can she still smile and be happy living like that?'

For some reason a strong sense of protectiveness hit him. He wants to protect you from anything. You are so sweet and innocent he didn't want the world to break you.

You stood in front of guns to protect people you don't even know. He knows that the world would only break something so beautiful and innocent. He want to stop that from happening.

'Wait beautiful? Did I just think she was beautiful? Why do I even want to protect her? I barely know her..' He sighs as he catches on. "...I'm crushing on her..." he mumble to himself as he looks up at the ceiling.

'That's all it is. A crush. It'll pass... ...hopefully...'


He stretches and flops on his bed as he thinks about you. You were so upset that you lost, he swore he saw a vain or two and steam coming from your ears

He laughs slightly as he thinks about it. 'What a sore loser.' He flips over and stares at his clock.

Although it did seem like you were having fun. He chuckles, 'she always has a temper though. Like when I drank some of her energy drink.'

There was fire in your eyes as you glared at him and snatched it back. You were a good person though. You really got upset and worried about your sister and he could respect that. He got upset when his brothers took a while coming back and worried for them.

It isn't like your all temper though, you had an adorable smile. You showed it when Hope tugged on his mask tails.

Also to add to it you're hot. He can't get the image of you with his bat propped on you shoulder and hand resting on your popped out hip out of his mind. He also took a picture on his phone but we're not talking about that.

He sighs, "Man I really like her don't I?" He chuckles to himself, "this isn't going to be very good.."

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