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Interview With Qwerty_Asdfgh:

Interviewer: What's your plan for the book "Sugar Sweet: The Young Queen Of Candy Land"?

Qwerty: Um, I can't tell you the whole plan yet but I can assure ya'll that it's not that childish book. On chapters 1-10 or maybe more, I'm introducing you to some small things that willl be big soon. I did put some easter eggs too.

Interviewer: Wow, that's interesting. And for the last question, who is your favorite character in the book? And why?

Qwerty: For now, my favorite character is Milk Shake. It's because she's the most perfectionist in the book and you haven't saw her yet being perfectionist. Um, so yeah that's pretty much it.

Interview: Alright, thank you for your answers and audience out there! Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for some news and updates.

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