Chapter 1

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Jude's P.O.V.

It's about 7:00 in the morning and I'm currently driving with my mom to my stepdad Adam's house that we're moving into. He has a big farm there so we couldn't move anywhere else. I have to move schools since I'm out of the district because Adam's house is an hour away from where I used to live. I'm not too happy about moving schools but I'm doing it because I love my mom and want her to be happy. Adam has four sons who are all older than me and hate my guts. The only kind of nice one is Blair. I'm super afraid of them especially Boston and Easton.

"So Jude, are you excited to have siblings?" Mom asked me.
"Step siblings." I corrected.
"And no, I'm not excited. They aren't my age and they all hate me." I added.
"Jude, they don't hate you. They just don't know you. I'm sure when you get to know them that they'll think you're great." Mom replied.
"I don't even want to be in the same room as them. I don't want to get to know them. I hate the fact that we had to move an hour away. I lost all my friends and now I have to move schools." I told her.
"Jude, I know you're upset. But it was either live with me or your dad." She said.
My dad lives in an apartment and rarely spends time with me. My mom got full custody of me so even if I wanted to live with him, I couldn't. And besides, I will never be that desperate to go live with my dad.
"I can't live with him. You have full custody of me." I grumbled.
"Jude, I'm not asking you to love it. Just make the best of the situation." Mom replied.
"Fine." I sighed.

After an hour or so, we arrived at Adam's house. He was on the tractor but got off when he saw our van pull up.
"Hey honey. Good morning Jude." He smiled hugging my mom.
"Good morning." I replied.
"Do you guys need help moving your boxes inside?" He asked.
"Most likely." My mom laughed.
"Okay. I'll tell the boys to come help you." He replied and texted them.
"Hey Jude." Blair said as he walked outside and over to us.
"Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better." Cash added as he trailed behind him.
"Shut up. Don't ever do that." I replied.
"Jude, be nice." Mom scolded.
I sighed and Mom said "Since we brought most of our stuff here during the last couple weeks, we only have a few clothing boxes and toys to bring in."

I grabbed my stuff and walked into the house.
Blair walked in after me and walked upstairs to which I'm assuming is my room.
I followed him upstairs and he walked to the end of the hallway into a bedroom that had the letter J on the door.
"So this is your room. My room is right across from it and so is Cash's room. Easton and Boston's room are on the other side of the hallway near the stairs and the game room." Blair told me setting my stuff down.
I nodded and he walked out of my room.
I put everything in my drawers and put my action figures on my desk.

I set up my computer and was waiting for it to update when somebody came into my room and put me in a chokehold

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I set up my computer and was waiting for it to update when somebody came into my room and put me in a chokehold.
I coughed and tried to get away but they took me down to the ground. They put me in a painful wrestling move and I looked up to see Easton. I mentally freaked out but calming said "Let go."
"No." He replied and twisted my arm behind my back.
I screamed and he asked me "Do you tap out?"
"Yeah!" I exclaimed while frantically tapping the floor with my free hand.

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