Chapter 6

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Jude's P.O.V.

Today we're leaving to go on our trip and I was woken up by Easton.
"Wake up, idiot." He said.
I got up and he left my room.
I changed into a blue shirt and a pair of shorts.
I grabbed my hat and sunglasses and went downstairs with my suitcase.
"Guys, we're eating at the airport." Mom told us.
"Everybody say goodbye to Uncle Edward and get in the van please." Adam told us.
We said goodbye to Uncle Edward and I got into the back of the van.
Cash and Blair sat next to me and I fell asleep.

After half an hour, we arrived at the airport and Blair woke me up.
We went through security and still had time to eat breakfast so we quickly ate McDonald's.
We got on the plane and I sat in between Mom and Blair. Blair got the window seat and mom got the aisle.

After the flight...

We just landed and got our bags after going through security. We got a cart for our suitcases and Adam put me on top of the suitcases. We went out to the bus that picked us up and brought us and other people to the hotel.
"Jude, are you excited?" Blair asked as we parked in front of the hotel.
I nodded my head and we got off the bus.
We grabbed our suitcases and went to the front desk to check in.
We were waiting in line when somebody picked me up from behind.
I realized it was Boston and he went over to the big fountain.

He acted like he was gonna throw me into it and I yelped.
"Don't." I said.
He laughed along with Easton and put me down.
I went over to Blair who was tying his shoe and I jumped on his back.
He laughed and held my legs so I wouldn't fall.
I wrapped my arms around his neck so I could secure myself and we got our hotel room keys.
"So Boston, Easton, Cash and Blair, you boys have your own room and Jude is with us. Your hotel room has three king beds and one pull out bed, so you guys can fight over that. Jude, our room has two bedrooms so you get your own little room." Adam told us.
We nodded and Adam opened up our hotel room door.
Blair put me down and went to his hotel room.
I put my stuff in my bedroom in the hotel room and changed into my bathing suit.

I put my stuff in my bedroom in the hotel room and changed into my bathing suit

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I put sunscreen on and went out to the living room.
"Jude did you put sunscreen on, honey?" Mom asked.
"Yeah." I answered.
The boys' hotel room connects with ours since it's right next door and Adam asked me "Can you go tell the boys that we're going to the beach?"
I nodded and opened the connecting door to the boys hotel room.
They were fighting over the beds and I quickly closed the door so Adam wouldn't see.
Easton had Boston pinned and I went over to them.
I tapped Easton's shoulder and he looked up at me.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"One of you guys can have my bed. I'll take the pull out bed." I told him.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yeah. There's a pull out bed in our hotel room anyway. I could just sleep on that. And I'll be away from you guys so you can have your privacy." I answered.
"Thanks dork." Easton said and got off of Boston.
Boston pulled me to the ground and pinned me down.
"Ow! Get off!" I exclaimed.
He laughed and let go.

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