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"You know I have to go, Owl. I don't want to. I wanna stay here, but I can't lose my job."
"I know that. Go. Be home soon."
"I Will."
With those words and a last kiss, I stepped in the black and red car.

"Good to have you back. Ready for business?" A voice on the passengers seat asked.
"Yeah. Onto Infierno."
My boss smirked. "How's your mate taking your departures all the time?"
"It's hard on him, he's so scared of losing me. Little does he know that I can stand up for myself." I smiled.
"Well, after this, you can take a while off. Your choice how long it lasts."
"REALLY!? Owl will love that. So, so much."
"Speaking about loving that, how's your ass holding up?" My boss asked, turning around in the chair to face me.
My face turned beet red. "It's fine, thanks. I'm kinda used to it." A goofy smile followed.
"I'm sure you are. You were limping."
"I said I'm fine!"
The rest of the drive was silent. Me, my Boss, Claire and Everhardt were heading to one of our bases in 'our' city, Infierno, also known as Mexico City. But first, we had to go to the airport.

After a 6 hour drive, which was originally supposed to take only 3 and a half hours but took longer because Everhardt had to pee every 20 minutes, we arrived at the airport.
Our Boss urged us to make haste, even though our private jet wouldn't take off until we were all there. Guess they were in a real hurry to get there.

" I see the jet!" Claire screamed.
"Inside voice, Claire! Do you want me to ask one of our warlocks to mute you?"
"No Boss."
"Good." Our Boss looked around. "Where in Hell's name is Everhardt?"
"Toilet Boss."
"Oh. Again? What's up with that?"
"Nerves." I answered. "This is his first official mission."
"So he's a rookie. Who gave him the idea to go on this mission?"
"Sycal." Claire stated.
"Does Sycal even realize that this can kill him? One mistake, and Everhardt will be gone."
"Oh, Sycal knew. She said it will teach him an important lesson. 'What doesn't kill him will make him stronger' were her exact words."
"Of course they were."

Everhardt showed up 10 minutes later. We entered the jet, each going to a different department. Everhardt disappeared into the bathroom, Claire went to inspect the weapons, Boss went to the cockpit and I seated myself in a chair, grabbing my iPad, phone and earphones. I plugged my earphones into my phone and went to YouTube, going to a nightcore channel called Zen-kun. I really loved the song called Havana on their channel. On my iPad I clicked Wattpad, and loaded a book called His Dragon King by Ocean_Eyes831. I've read the story hundreds of times, but I just love it. Baine and Osiris' story is so captivating.

After a 3 hour flight, we landed in Mexico City. Or, Infierno.
"All right. Alexander is waiting us up. He'll take us to the base." Boss explained, mostly for Everhardt, who by the way was bouncing, giving me a headache.
"Everhardt! Stop bouncing, for God's sake! You're giving me a headache!"
"Sorry." And now he looked like a kicked puppy.
"I know and understand you are excited, I was as well on my first mission, but excitement results in faltering concentration, which can result in getting yourself killed. I learned that the hard way." I showed a scar on my neck. "I got stabbed in my neck. I panicked, Boss took me to the infirmary, where they removed the knife. It scarred me. Mentally and physically. My Mate doesn't know how I got this. I intend to keep it that way until he knows what I do."
"So, he doesn't know, period?"
"He doesn't know." I agreed. "I had sworn I wouldn't, not until the time was right."
"What's it like, having to hide a secret this big from him?"
"It's hard. He can be very...persuasive. Sometimes it's easier. Most of the time it's very hard not to tell your loved ones." I thought for a while. "Promise me something, Everhardt."
He nodded. "What?"
"Don't tell until it's time. Or they will be in danger for the rest of their lives."
Everhardt swallowed hard. "I promise."

After we got into the car Boss spoke.
"Yes Boss?"
"How's everything going in Infierno?"
"It's quiet. We have 17 prisoner yet to be questioned and 9 waiting for the death row. There was an attack on the base 3 days ago. We beat the enemy and we have imprisoned 3 members and the right hand men. We have 24 new recruits. 5 Vampires. 6 Warlocks, 9 Werewolves, 2 Sirens, 1 Banshee and an Elf."
"Good. Nathan. You will execute the Death Row. Make it as painful as you see fit."
"Sure thing Boss." I cracked my fingers. "I missed this."
Boss smirked. "I know you did, you always do."

After we arrived at the Base, I went to my room. It was on the 28th floor, right underneath Boss'.
There was a kitchen, living room, bathroom and a library. The kitchen had a cooking island in the middle, made of white marble with black veins with a mahogany top.
I typed a code in a special pad in the eastern wall in the bathroom, revealing a hidden room. In the room were 4 doors, the one I'm standing in excluded. In the middle of the room were several dummies, ready to be destroyed when I felt like it.
The wall directly opposite from the door was covered in swords, sabres, knives and daggers. The wall right from the door was covered in nunchucks, ninja stars, pistols, a machine gun or 10, a bazooka (rarely used, only used to blow up buildings) and a few other guns. The left wall had axes, scythes, grenades, a khopesh and my favorite; two katanas.
The first door had the number I on it. In there were old and new dummies. The old ones were in a bad state; chopped up, torn apart, slashed, decapitated, shot or even burned.
The second door had II on it. In there was armor and battle clothing. The armor was made of iron, with our symbol on the chest plate. Our symbol is a snow white skull with blood dripping out of the eyes, nose and mouth. Around the neck is a silver necklace with a piece of amethyst in it.
The third door had (as you guessed) III on it. There was an elevator leading down into my private dungeon, right next to the normal dungeon and execution room. We made the prisoners watch, so that they knew what would happen to them if they committed the crimes the executed did or if they misbehaved.
The last door had (of course) IV on it. In there was my bedroom.
It was wide and spacious. Against the far wall in the middle was a emperor sized bed with a lot of thick, fluffy pillows and warm, fuzzy blankets. The bed was made of white birch wood with red and black pillows and silver and black blankets. There was a golden painted canopy. There was a red and black dresser and a full length mirror next to it, also red. There was a glass door, leading to a walk in closet with pants (long and short), t-shirts (long and short sleeved), sweaters, tops, shirts and shoes. In the far right corner were dresses and skirts. Not for friends. For me.
I like to dress in skirts and dresses for Dante. I love to tease him with a pic or vid of me in a skirt or dress showing off my curves and ass. Dante told me I'd give him a heart attack. That or his dick falling off.
I went to the bathroom to clean up and to dress into more appropriate execution wear. My bathroom was different shades of black and blue. A giant tub in the corner could serve as a normal bath, a sauna and a bubble bath. The shower was tall  and cozy. In the shower stood several rays of soap. Coconut, green tea, orange, apple, raspberry, strawberry. I like the feminine scented soaps.
My execution outfit consistent out of black, steel toed boots, black pants and a black tank top. As I showered it sang along to a playlist my Owl made.
Around twenty minutes later I stepped into the elevator. Time to kill someone.

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