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Dante POV

Another two weeks without my mate. It stresses me out because I don't even know what he does. Does he work in an office, or does his Boss take him with them to a different worksite. I just don't know, and elves are very protective of that what is theirs. My phone rang.
"Dante Viogazzi, who am I speaking?"
"Dante my brother! How are you?"
"Trevor? I'm fine I guess. How are you brother? Where are you, how's the wife doing?"
"I'm great! Lizzy is pregnant! We just heard. We're in Avaela. You should visit home sometimes. We miss you brother."
"Congratulations! I'm going to be an uncle. And you know why I can't come home. She doesn't like me."
"You know why. She thinks everyone should marry a pretty female. Me having a male mate went against her ideology."
"Good think we have a King now not a Queen."
"WHAT! When did that happen?"
"Dante, brother, you left 724 years ago. Things changed. Someone disagreed with you leaving. So 20 years later he challenged her for the crown and kingdom. By using her own list against her he won fair and square. Everything she banned is now legal again."
"Things did change. So multiple Mate's, same sex Mate's, infertility, contact with other species and expressing your opinions are fine again? Guess I can come back someday."
"They are. The King has 2 Mate's even. A male vampire and a female Faerie. On top of that, the King is infertile himself. Things have changed for the better, and they keep changing everyday. Come back brother. I kiss you. Mom misses you. Lizzy does. We haven't seen you since you left. We don't know anything about your current life at all."
"Give me 2 days and I'll be home."
"Thank you, brother. Save travels and may Avaelon guide your road and soul."
"May Avaelon guide your soul, brother."

I put my phone back on the table and rested my head against the wall. I looked around the room, seeing the soft cream walls and the plants everywhere. Without event trying I attempted to recreate Avaela. Guess I do miss the place.
I lifted my head and walked towards the stairs in the hall. Looking ate the photos on the wall I smiled. Photos of me and My Little Love. Photos of the cat that walked around in our backyard until it's owners moved. Photos of Nathan by himself and of me alone. There was art on the opposite wall. Art from Avaelon, of me and my brother and mother. Art of my favorite scenery. A giant tree that can only be found by those that are worthy. I found it when I was just 47, an infant in Elven age. My dad was executed for not obeying the Queen when she told him to kill my mother because she didn't sell enough purple lillies. I ran away from the execution and found the tree. I spent most my childhood there. It's where I first saw Nathan's name when I turned 180 years old. It's was so long before he was even born but I knew I loved him. I left not too long after for the Queen hated everything she wasn't. It also didn't help she wanted me because I was one of the most desired Elves in Avaela.
The tree only grows from the sound of the worthy. When a worthy one dies, his body is to be placed in a meadow, where it'll be brought to the tree by magic. The body will be absorbed into the tree and the sound will make it grow. The last soul was over 1750 years ago. The Queen wanted the tree gone because it didn't deem her worthy. I wonder why.
Having arrived in our bedroom I grabbed my suitcase, made from silk woven by a Spring Fairy. I grabbed my clothes and a hairbrush. I also packed my charger wire and a portable one just in case. With my phone in my back pocket I wrote some coordinates and 'Find me' on a paper and laid it on the kitchen table. I walked out of the house and locked the door behind me and walked towards the nearest entrance to Avaela.

After 2 hours of walking I saw the forest, checking to see if I wasn't followed I entered. Immediately I felt eyes on me.
"Takami? Esra?"
"DANTE!" I was tackled by two whirlwinds, one of green and one of brown. "WE MISSED YOU! WELCOME HOME!"
I laughed. "It nice to see my kind after so long. I missed you two too."
"Please tell me you're going to Avaela? Please?" Takami begged.
I smiled and nodded, which encouraged Esra too call out like an owls hat in turn alerted the other Guardians to show themselves. There were about 25 in total. They all smiled and nodded in recognition and greeting. Together with my species around me after more than 700 years we walked to the Gate. The Guardians laid their hands on a rock and it began to glow. A golden glowing ball shot out of the rock and zigzagged between us, inspecting us. It disappeared and a slow, echoing drumming sound appeared and the portal opened.
"After you." Esra smiled. I looked around, at the men and woman surrounding me. I grinned widely, proud of my people.
"May Avaelon guide your souls."
"May Avaelon guide your soul."
With those words I entered the portal.
And for the first time in 720 years I was in my birthplace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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