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"What did you say??" Jaebum, full of rage, stood up from where he sat asked one more time to his boyfriend on the person's name he mentioned with stutter.

"Youngjae.. hyung Youngjae was in the room with me.... Youngjae-" he started to cry. "Was it Youngjae who did this to me, hyung? Was it him?"

Seeing Jinyoung like this made him angrier. He swore to kill Youngjae himself for trying to kill his boyfriend with poison.

"That motherfucker sure did this to you Jinyoungie. I swear I'll kill him"

"Hyung.." Jinyoung called. He grabbed Jaebum's hand. "Can you call my brother?"



"Jinyoung! Oh my god! Are you alright???" Chanyeol went in to the room, running like a crazy person. He looked super panicked. He couldn't lose his beloved brother and left him alone. He was the only family member he had since their parents died.

"Hyung! Hyung, I'm alright."

"Thank god. Who did this to you???"

"Youngjae. His name is Choi Youngjae" Jaebum answered.


"Choi Youngjae." Jaebum walked closer, hands in his pocket.

"Choi Youngjae? Who the hell is this fucker?" Chanyeol looked angry rather than worried.

"He happened t be my ex-boyfriend" Jaebum explained.

"Your ex-boyfriend?? How are you so sure it was him?" Chanyeol asked Jaebum and Jinyoung altogether.

"I remember he gave me a chocolate drink and I woke up here. I remember him hyung" Jinyoung stated.

"Have you called the police?" Chanyeol asked the two.

"No not yet. We-" Jaebum was cut with Chanyeol suddenly dialed someone and talked to his phone.

"Find a name Choi Youngjae"

"Hyung what are you doing?" Jinyoung asked curiously as he watched his brother talking with someone across the line.

"Yes. Yes. Choi Youngjae. Find him. He poisoned my brother, goddamn it! Just find him!"

He hung up after the other person on the phone said yes as he understood what Chanyeol told him to do.

"Hyung who were you calling?" Jinyoung asked again.

"My friend. He's a detective and he worked for the police. We will soon find him, Jinyoungie." He sat down and held Jinyoung's hand carefully. "I was very shocked Jaebum told me you were poisoned. I can't lose another family member. I love you so much and mom and dad told me to take care of you since you were born. I promised them. I can't just lose you and live alone in this cruel world."

"I'm not gonna leave you hyung. Relax"

"Can you come back to the house, Jinyoung?"

There was an awkward silence between Jinyoung and Chanyeol. Jaebum, who was still in the room, also participated in this situation since he didn't know what to say or do. He just stood there near the window and pretended to look for a fly.

"I- I can't hyung"

"Why not, Jinyoungie? I missed you. Enough of you wandering around living in a small apartment without protection"

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