Chapter One | Bye Bye

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Two weeks before.

-Anjali’s POV-

It’s a cold day, which is not a suprise because it’s winter. I woke up because my mom came into my room.

„Wake up, Anjali!“ She shouted. „Get up now!“

„Mom!“ I yelled at her. „Why should I stand up? It’s Saturday morning and I’m tired.“

She looked at me with her strict view. I rolled my eyes annoyed and stood up.

„You should maybe say goodbye to your friends, Anjali. We move tomorrow and you have to pack.” She told me and went downstairs.

Of course she was right. We move back to our hometown Delhi, India. We lived 5 years in Florida because my dad had an important job. Now it’s time to get back. I’m really exited because I missed my aunt and my grandmothers.

Oh, I should maybe tell something about me and my family. Well, my name is Anjali Khan. I’m 19 years old and I have a 2 years older sister called Shali. She’s not only my sister she’s also like a best friend for me.


I washed myself and shove my favorite shirt on. I went downstairs in the kitchen. My mom made breakfast and I ate some of her pancakes. I swear to god, they taste like heaven, oh my gosh.

I put on my shoes and took my bag.

“I go to Miranda and Laurie.” I said to my mom. She nodded and gave me a kiss on my head.

I rang on Miranda’s door bell and she openend with a big smile. It scared me a bit.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her laughing. I entered her house and went upstairs to her room. Laurie sat on her bed. She also had such a scary smile on her face. I was totally confused and looked at them.

“Okay guys, what the hell is wrong? Tomorrow is the last day I’m here and you have a smile like you saw Michael Jackson alive.” I laughed.

Laurie stood up and gave me a present. “Here.” I looked at it.

“What is that?”

“A little present from Laurie and me for you. We don’t want to be forgotten when you’re in India again.” Miranda explained me.

“Oh my god, it’s amazing. Thank you so much! You bought me a new Sari?” I said when I opened it. I didn’t had a lot of them because in Florida aren’t any stores where you can get them. I started to cry.

“Aw, don’t cry Anjali. We’ll visit us.” Miranda and Laurie hugged me and also started to cry. They were my best friends and I have to leave them.

It was 7:50pm so I had to go. I hugged them again. “I’ll miss you guys so fucking much. I don’t know what I would do without you..”

“We’ll miss you too, sweety.” Laurie said and I went back home.


It was Sunday and the day we moved. It was a long fly but I was so exited to see all the people I missed so much.

{So guys, this is the first Chapter and I know it's boring and short. So sorry, but I hope you'll enjoy the story. :) }

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