Chapter Four

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This is the first night I've ever spent in the palace. Just knowing that Haggai thinks I am worthy to live here for the rest of my life fills my heart with so much joy and hopeful excitement, but being queen is more than a title... I'll have to be married to the king. I try not to let my excitement build in me any false hope, and I try to remind myself that all the beautiful girls here are as worthy as me —and then some — to be chosen by King Xerxes.

King Xerxes. I've heard so much about this great ruler of Persia. Much of what I know of him has come from Mordeccai. I try as hard as I can to stifle the giggle worming its way up through my throat, but the best I can do it bury my head deeper into the. The darkness all around me is probably the reason I jump when I feel a hand shaking my shoulder. I gasp into the soft wool and as I look up into the black haze covering the room, I'm relieved the hand belongs to Mary. I uncurl my fingers that I didn't realize had clenched the fabrics beneath me.

"You scared me," I whisper into her grinning face.

"I thought you were asleep."

I feel a flush of embarrassment stinging my cheeks red. In this moment, I'm glad it is nighttime. I would hate for Mary to see me this way. Finding my dearest friend hours earlier after further searching the massive harem I quickly clasped my arms around her and was almost determined to never let go. I   her quickly to my room and haven't let her leave since. With my mind entertaining numerous thoughts, I had almost forgot she was lying right next to me.

"I was —" she says coldly, and I start to feel guilty, that is until she breaks out into a giggle. "— until my best friend decided her day dreams were more important than my beauty sleep."

Mary's slender fingers find their way to my most ticklish spot. Her triumphant chortles mingle with my helpless squeals as I try to force her off me. The silence settles over us as quickly as the laughter came. The unspoken tension between us feels almost tangible. Through the darkness, I search for Mary's hand. In the crevice between our bodies I feel the warm skin of her hand and lightly wrap mine around it.


"Yes, Hada — sorry. Esther?"

Telling her to call me a name when she has called me Hadassah my entire life is still new for her, but she understands Mordeccai's reasoning and trusts him just like I do. I internally cringe though with her slip up. Even though it is nighttime, and no one heard her, I think of the possibilities of her slipping up when people are around. I let the fear slip off my shoulders, knowing that right now I need to focus on her.

"How are you with everything?" I ask her, gently.

"Better than before. I guess just not knowing what was happening made it worse."

She sighs, and I continue to listen, not saying anything until it's the right time.

"At least you're here with me. And I mean tomorrow they say we will start beauty treatments. I bet that will be exciting."

"We'll definitely need it, no thanks to you two! Do you mind? Some of us are trying to sleep."

Even through the pitch-black darkness I can just see the outline of Mary's face. We stare into each other's eyes, waiting curiously for the voice that interrupted our conversation to make itself known again. We hear some clattering echoing outside my room, and then footsteps loosely followed. With a tiny lamp of oil in her hand a young slender girl I've never seen before stands in the door way glaring at Mary and me. But mostly me. She peers both of us down, and I'm silent-stricken.


Her free hand latches on to the flowing white fabric, hanging from her shoulders down to her ankles, at her waist.

"Sorry we woke you," I say, as confidently and as sincerely as I can muster.

She rolls her eyes and turns to leave, her shadow lurking behind as she stalks down the hall. We wait a few moments, letting the silence linger between us. I cover my mouth tightly, not wanting to disturb anymore sleepers, but it's all in vain. The hearty sounds of uncontained laughter slip through my fingers and fill my room. Mary's arm entangles quickly with mine and soon our laughter seizes full control. I try to force out the thoughts and worries of what tomorrow holds, but for now I savor this moment.

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