Chapter Two

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All I can see is the greed in the guard's dark eyes as he approaches Mary and me. With her hand gripped firmly around mine, I inch back further into the shadows of the alley way. The guard continues to yell over his shoulder, calling to his comrades while I hold on to Mary as she shudders in fear. It isn't long before more guards begin to block our only exit, shouldering each other with their imposing, bulky figures.

One guard lurches toward me, and his thick hand latches onto my wrist tightly. His grip makes my arm throb. Clenching my teeth, I twist my wrist, squirming against his firm grasp, but his hold on me is too strong. Then, I hear ear-splintering cries that I know are Mary's. I crane my neck, only to see Mary flailing senselessly behind me, as a guard easily picks her up from the ground.

Fear chokes my throat. The air in the street is suddenly drier than it was moments ago. I feel so disoriented. All I see are the black and gold uniforms surrounding herds of terrified girls. The sight creates a disturbing image in my mind. I think of us all as helpless lambs being dragged relentlessly to the place we will be slaughtered.

My breathing tightens, as the guard's grip around me intensifies. He pulls me through the street with great pace, following quickly on the heels of his fellow swordsman. Digging my heels into the sand, I try to resist him. My throat and tongue are dry with fear, and I struggle to find the courage to find my voice. Irritated with my nagging jerks he turns suddenly.

His face comes within inches of mine, and when I consider his dark eyes, through the scraggly beard that covers most of his face, I wonder if they reflect his soul. How very dark would his soul be? The relentlessness of them burning into my eyes drains away any sense of power I have.

One person comes to my mind, breaking through my trouble thoughts. His voice rings loudly in my ears.

"Hada, God is always with us... Even when it seems we are alone."

I hold onto these words and use their strength to finally break open my mouth.

"Where are you taking us," I mumble.

The guard's sharp eyes narrow even harder on me, and after a haughty grunt he answers quickly.

"You'll be grateful once you're there that we dragged you off the streets. Trust me, this'll be the best day of your pathetic, little life," he spews as he rips his gaze away.


It isn't long after that I realize what he meant. Suddenly my heart skips a beat. My breath that I once struggled to find, fills my lungs as I gasp in awe at the structures in front of me. I've never been allowed to travel down this part of Susa. Mordeccai forbade it.

Seeing the golden archways that shimmer as the sun glides across the glossy surface, I know that this can be none other than the palace entrance. I let my eyes skim over the oval shaped windows that hang over open air balconies, for just a moment. I am quickly marched up the cobblestone walkway, then practically thrust up the steep marble stairs.

My eyes scan everything around me, taking it all in, wondering if this will be the last time I ever see something so beautifully regal. I search through the crowd swarming around me, hoping to find Mary's familiar face in a sea of all this unfamiliarity. I lost sight of her when we were found in that dim alley, and I have not seen her since.

Instead of finding Mary I see the faces of other girls who look about my age and some that scurry out of my way. I decide these timid people are servants for the palace. Their demeanor gives them away. The guard, whose hand has not ceased restraining my wrist throughout this entire march, pulls me along, and I enter through the golden archway into deafening silence and blinding darkness.

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