Chapter Six

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Looking glasses are designed to reflect an exact image of the one who meets its gaze, but I cannot convince myself that the girl who's looking back at me through the mirror is me. My olive skin tone blends with the colors draping over my skin. My hair, pulled away from its usually craze, reveals my slender neck and high cheekbones. I take a deep breath and watch the circle of fog that forms on the glass where my exhaled air touches.

I lean the pads of my fingertips against the cold surface of the mirror, daring my eyes to look away from this image I see. I cannot. Thankfully a voice calls my name from behind me, giving me the strength, I need to break contact with the stranger staring right through me.

Turning around, I see Gaftily and Dallyn rushing toward me with controlled steps. I smile at the both, finding their pink cheeks and inhales of air amusing.

"We were worried you might have gotten lost, my Lady. Did you find everything to your satisfaction?" Dallyn asks through strained breath.

I nod my head.

"You've done a remarkable job! I don't think I've ever looked more... beautiful. Thank you — both of you."

Dallyn struggles to respond but her words are cut short. A clinging mass of servants pass by us, their whispers exaggerated by the solid, stone walls. When they finally disappear around the corner the silence is broken between us.

"Don't let them bother you, my Lady. They're nothing but gossips."

She offers me a weak smile and holds out her hand.

"Come. I'll take you to your beauty treatments now."

I place my palm in hers and brace myself.


The cold-water races across my skin and I gasp for breath. My hands straddle the sides of the wooden tub, in an effort to keep my body from trembling. The bucket makes a loud clunk as it is dropped to the ground. The servant's diligent hands move to my hair. What once was an unbearable experience is now becoming quite relaxing, as her slender fingers begin to massage my scalp.

The servant says nothing, just works with patience as I breathe in the fragrant oils and scents of myrrh. My eyelids droop, my muscles loosen, and I feel sleep overcoming me quickly. My eyes quickly shoot open when chatter brakes through the silence and restful ambience of the beauty treatment room.

I peer over my shoulder and am surprised when I see my ladies. Dallyn and Gaftilly freeze in place when they notice my gaze. Their faces become hard, like their normal countenance, and a serious glaze covers over their features. I immediately regret my actions. These girls, whose personalities were suppressed, have been chided with one single action.

They dip their heads and rise. I nod my head in response.

"I've never seen you two so happy. Please, don't let me stop it."

Gaftily's eyes waver down to her plump hands as she begins to fidget with her fingers. Dallyn says not a word, but looks at Gaftily, a small glance exchanging between them.

"It was nothing, miss. You aren't missing anything!"

I giggle, and it turns into a scream. Jerking my head to look behind me, the servant's hands had begun to scrub my back with a frigid sponge. Looking up into her unfazed face, I begin to laugh and Dallyn and Gaftily join in with me. The silent servant drops the sponge into the icy water and when she turns back she brings with her tiny vessels that she pours unquestioningly into the wooden tub.

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