I wrote this poem one day after me and my mom got into a really big fight, and she began to bring things up. My mother doesn't like the fact that I'm gay, she kicked me out when she found out, I really wish she could see how much she is hurting me. We use to be really close, now we hardly talk.
Dear Mom
© Anonymous
This pain I feel inside I can no longer hide. Because of you I just wanna die, you told me you would always be here and never let me fall why did you lie, you denied me just because I was who I wanted to be, I couldn't be happy, I felt like nothing. Remember when you said you wished I was dead, I still keep that memory in my head, you put me out on the streets with nothing, you caused so much hate in me I'm not the person who I use to be, you changed me, you turned the family against me, I wish you could see how much I'm suffering, how much I feel lonely I wish I could be somebody important to you, but I know that wish would never come true.
Why Does The World Hate Us???
SpiritualeI Made This Book To Show All Of The Emos Out There That You Are Not Alone. I Wrote This To Show That We All Have Reasons And Explanations. This Is Dedicated To My Fellow Kind, My Stories And Theirs, Our Poems, Our Thoughts And Feelings. We Need Answ...