Chapter Eleven

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After everything that had transpired between them at Joe and Seamus's apartment, the next logical step to James was to ask Aleks out on a date.

It took him two minutes to make the dinner reservation, but it took two hours for him to pluck up the courage and text Aleks. They hadn't seen each other since that day, both busy with college, but James was desperate to move things forward, not wanting Aleks to think that he regretted what had happened between them.

For the first time in his life, he was ready for a relationship.


Do you want to go to dinner with me on Friday night?

He wasn't surprised when Aleks responded within a matter of seconds.


Are you asking me out on a date?

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, a habit he'd picked up from Aleks, James quickly tapped out a reply.


What do you think?


Hmm. I'll have to think about it.

James was certain he was joking...well, at least 90% of him was sure. Willing himself not to freak out, he sat down on his couch, mind racing to think of a witty reply that didn't reveal his anxiety.

Then his phone chimed again.


I'm kidding. I'd love to go out with you.

James could feel himself smiling like a sap, but he didn't give a shit. No one was here to judge him anyway.


Pick you up at 8?


See you then x


James had been on dates before, if he could class the outings he'd had with people he'd intended to sleep with as 'dates'.

But this was different. This was a first date, and James hoped it would be the first of many. His intentions had never been honourable before, but they were now. He was determined to do this right. This was his chance to sweep Aleks off his feet, to show him that he meant more than everyone else before him.

This date could mean the start of something, the beginning of a relationship that could last for the rest of their lives.

The notion didn't frighten James. How could it, when it was something he never thought he could have.

Now that he knew he had a soulmate, he wanted it: the unwavering trust, the undying selfless love, the feeling of being whole.

He would not screw this evening up.

He'd even watched a bunch of romantic comedies to prepare for his evening with Aleks (although he'd deny it fiercely if anyone asked him how he'd spent his evenings in the build-up to the date).

But when he was standing outside of Aleks's apartment, his repressed nerves made themselves present. He could feel a knot forming in his stomach, and his palms began to grow clammy.

Taking a deep breath, he cast a critical eye over his outfit: smart black jeans, navy shirt and black tie. He'd even tamed his unruly hair into a tight bun, and knew this was as presentable as he was going to get.

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