Chapter Twenty Four

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Airports around Christmas time were horrendous but a necessary evil, full of people saying goodbye to their loved ones before their return home.

James's situation was no different. Today was the day that he and Aleks had to fly back to Colorado, and it was time to say goodbye to his mom.

Elizabeth surprised them both when she embraced Aleks first, planting a fond kiss on his cheek.

Thank you for having us, Aleks signed when they parted, James vocally translating to his mom on his behalf. I had the best time.

"It was my absolute pleasure," Elizabeth replied warmly, reaching up to cradle her face in his hands, like a loving mother would. "You're part of the family now, whether you like it or not."

James could see her words had visibly affected Aleks, who returned her smile with a bright one of his own, truly touched by her kindness. Then he reached into his jacket to withdraw a folded piece of paper, offering it to Elizabeth, and she wasn't the only one who looked surprised.

His gesture took James off guard too, but he shouldn't have been too stunned, knowing more than anyone that Aleks liked to express himself through written words when the moment called for it. "My advice: read that when you get home," James said lightly, shooting a loving grin in Aleks's direction. "He's got a way with words."

Elizabeth tucked the letter carefully away, before turning her gaze to her son. The weight of it – James felt it, and Aleks did too, for he quickly signed something about needing the toilet, leaving the two of them alone to say goodbye.

James felt a pang of gratitude towards his boyfriend for doing so. For some reason, it felt hard to say goodbye, the hardest it had ever felt.

"Don't leave it for so long next time," Elizabeth began, mockingly stern, and James rolled his eyes. Typical mom.

"I won't, I promise," And he meant it. "Although, I think it's your turn to come and visit me."

An invitation he hadn't made before, and it showed. Elizabeth looked astounded, more surprised than she'd been by Aleks's letter to her, but she quickly schooled her expression. "I'd love that," She responded, her brown eyes shining with joy. "Now listen. Look after that man of yours. Don't let him go."

It thrilled James, seeing how much his mom adored Aleks, and the two of them together. It just solidified what he already knew; that they were meant to be. "Not planning on it." He wouldn't lose Aleks, he couldn't.

"I've never seen you so happy sweetheart. He is everything I wanted for you and more."

Finding himself having to blink back tears, James surged forward to engulf his mom in a fierce hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "Thank you for saying that," He murmured, voice choked with overwhelming emotion. "I love you mom."

"I love you too honey," Elizabeth replied, drawing back to cup his face between her hands. "Never forget that."


But as much as James loved his mom, and as much as he treasured their time together, he had told her a little white lie before they'd left.

A couple of days ago when Elizabeth had asked them to stay in Pennsylvania for longer, the excuses James gave her were the truth, but only to an extent. They were going back to college soon and Sly was throwing a party, but not for a few more days. James had wanted to be selfish, wanted some alone time with Aleks, with no interruptions from their friends or family.

When they landed in Colorado, they didn't tell anyone that they were back, instead getting an uber straight to James's apartment so they could have their own Christmas together. A belated Christmas, one where they exchanged presents and had sex, lots of it, until most surfaces in James's apartment had been christened. They were making up for lost time, after all.

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