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Author's Note 

Hi fellow readers! This is the 1st time that I'm gonna be bold and publish one of my stories. I started writing this story when I was in my 2nd year of high school when I felt lost and insecure about the new start of my life when I started questioning my sexuality. So to get away from those thoughts, I started writing. Now I welcome you inside the world that I created. Please read and enjoy!

P.S. This has +18 toxic scenes




Nothing is impossible they said, so here I am again in front of Drevc's company building, one of many branches of Vargantes family, my family. This is where I first met her, the encounter wasn't good but I can tell you, it was love at first sight but I dunno for her.


Being the sole heir of Vargantes means you're not gonna have time for yourself, its all about work. I grew up following my father's orders to be successful as I am today. 

I'm 29 years old now for god's sake and I want a wife, why can't I have one?

 I had my fair share of one-night stands when I was in my early 20's but now, I don't want any of that, I want something that can last forever. But looking at the result of my exes, not possible. They only want fame and money plus sex. I heaved a long sigh as I stare outside of my tinted car's window.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I  turned around revealing my secretary Jaquilin, my straight as a Narra tree, something that is so hard to bend. She looked at me with worried eyes, asking if I was stressed out. I shook my head and returned staring out the car.

She sighed before saying- ''I think you should really stop overworking yourself and start going out. You seem so stressed out.'' 

I put my hand up to stop her from blabbing more. 

''Jaq, I need a wife,''  -I said out of the blue. She looked at me as if I was crazy. ''I said go out not settle down, big difference my friend, Yashashree .''

'' Yeah but I'm already in my early 30's and my parents have been really asking for grandchildren and I don't want  to be the preggo one.''

''I'm on your side but don't rush things, ok?'' 

I just hmm'd in return.

 Moments later the car stopped in front of one of the branches of Vargantes. 

 ''Ms. Vargantes you're already late, hurry up'' -said my assistance but I paid her no attention and walked calmly out of the car and went into the building. My phone started ringing, it read dad. I answered it and my father's voice came booming out of my phone.

''Get into that meeting room immediately!'' 

Ugh!  Tsk! Why can't he just relax? He's already retired!

'' I'm on my way dad calm down.''

''Just hurry up okay?''

''Yeah, later dad,''

 I hung up and hurriedly turned around but my elbow came in contact on something hard but soft at the same time.

 I turned around and see the cutest pair of boobs I've ever seen in my entire life. I was enjoying the view when a hand covered it up. The first thing that I looked at in a woman is their pair of breast, I'm a boob man well not literally cause I'm a lady.

I looked up and saw a fuming red-faced woman biting her bottom lip.

God, she's hot! 

Instantly she slapped me in the face, I couldn't say a word, just dumbfounded. I looked at her with so much intensity and walked closer to her without looking away.

''I would apologize but since you slapped me-''  I immediately touched her chest with my right hand and pecked her lips. She looked at me with her jaw hanging low, she was shocked.

 ''Now I apologize for hitting your non-existent breast.'' then I winked at her and walked inside the elevator. I stopped at the 78th floor where the meeting takes place.

 I looked at my wristwatch and it's already 8:30 

shit, I'm late! Oh wait, I'm the boss who can fire me.

I check myself on the reflection on the glass wall before I entered the room. 

I grab the doorknob and twisted it. The light was off and everybody was already sitting on their chairs. I cleared my throat, greeted them, and apologized for my late. 

I scanned the room for my good ole friend Kayla, my partner in crime. I saw her flirting with my secretary Jaquilin. I sighed, she just never gives up on that secretary of mine, she is straight as the tree in my backyard.

I sat next to my friend, she looked at me with a face asking where I've been. I just shrugged and focused on the man doing his presentation.

His presentation is boring I'd tell you that, he just said his thank you for having this moment to present his project, not getting into his presentation. But still, I need to keep this serious look on and pay attention. 

Moments later, the door opened revealing the A cup girl. She looked relaxed now and bossy too. She looked around with a serious look before her eyes landed on mine. She looked startled for a moment but still kept her stoic face.

"Sorry for the wait, I'm here to present our project and I know you all will like it." -She smiled then proceed with her exposition.

What do I think? 

She was good at it, she'd prepared her power points well and her data is complete, nothing is missing. Opposite to the guy before who just blab about how thankful he was to present his ideas and whatnot.

The presentation was spent by me ogling her squeezable ass and her gorgeous figure. As for her, she was looking at me as if she wanted to commit a murder.

To be continued.


Hi! Thanks for reading my story hope you like it :)

Here's a pic of Aleena ( I don't own the pic)

Here's a pic of Aleena ( I don't own the pic)

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It started with her boobs (LESBIAN STORY)Where stories live. Discover now