Thank You

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Thank you for getting this story to 1K reads! I'm amazed that even with all the horrible spelling and grammar, 1K people read it. So I just wanted to say thank you, I hope you still keep voting on books even though they're finished, it makes authors really happy (I experienced it with me and my friends).

Happy Pride Month by the way! Be yourself and don't let people tell you otherwise! You aren't a boy nor a girl? Whatever, be what you wanna be! You like the same gender but don't like sex? I don't care, have a cute relationship without intercourse! You sometimes feel like a girl and other times like a dude? Be both, people! The world has no limitations!

I still need to make a good cover for this, but school is killing me so I don't have free time until the summer holiday.

Next week, June 15th, 5 Seconds Of Summer 's new album Youngblood will be released and I hope you'll at least listen to a few songs on Spotify, YouTube, anything. They have a new sound, a different style, so maybe if you didn't like them before, you like them now!

On another note, my friend and I came to a conclusion that my rabbit, Binky, was born as a male, transitioned into a girl, and is a genderfluid, panromantic, asexual, lesbian/gay rabbit. This is what school does to you, it fries your brains and makes you think about the stupidest things ever, like what gender and sexuality my pet rabbit would have.

Back to the point, thank you for reading the story, I hope you liked it, if you did, please make sure to add it to a public list or something, spread it around!

Keep loving, stop hate, be happy!
~Michelle xx

Undercover ~ Loucel / Larcel / LarryWhere stories live. Discover now