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Before this book starts, I would like to say that this story is based upon the ^^above^^ Edit. THE EDIT IS NOT MINE!! I repeat. THIS EDIT IS NOT MINE!! All rights and credit goes to the creator. I just loved the edit and decided to based a book around it. I was not asked to do this. I wanted to do this. The creator has not contacted me about doing a story around it and I have not contacted the creator about if I could make a story about it. I don't know how the creator is but if they come across this story, which is highly unlikely, then I would like to say, "Hi, welcome to my shitty Wattpad profile. Enjoy my shitty books."

Also, I really debated on whether or not I should do this because I'm not a good author at all. I think, in my opinion, that I suck ass when it comes to writing stories. Hopefully this book is good and you guys enjoy it. Comment here » [] « if you have any ideas for a book that you want me to write.

Another thing, I'm hoping to get better at writing. I've been at this for years and I still have so much room to improve. Comment here » [] « if you have any tips for how I can improve. Or you can Private Message me tips because I really need them. I've said this before in other books and I'll say it again: I love you all so much!

I promise I'm almost done with this author's note. If you want to look up Ryden Edits then go to YouTube and type in Ryden Edits and they should come up. You can also of the same thing for Brallon Edits, Joshler Edits, Peteerick Edits, and Frerard Edits.

One last thing, I don't know how the updating schedule will be because I'm going to be going to my dad's house on June 23rd and I will be there until August 4th. I don't know if I'll have my tablet with me. It's ultimately all up to my mom and step dad if i can bring it. I will try to update this story as much as I can before June 23rd. Again, I love you all so much! Enjoy the story!

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