Chapter Eight

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» Brendon's P.O.V.«

I wake up. I feel the bed beside me. Ryan wasn't there. I sit up and look around the room. He wasn't in here. I get out of bed and go downstairs. I looked in the kitchen and in the living room. I looked in my office and recording studio. I looked everywhere and he was nowhere. I call him. I heard ringing coming from the kitchen. I find his phone sitting on the counter. "I swear, Ryan is the most forgetful person I know." I say to myself. I sit down on the couch. I turn on the T.V. and see that Supernatural was on. I decide to watch it.

A few hours had passed and Ryan still wasn't back. It was now eight o'clock at night. Where could he be? Just then, Ryan walks through the door. "Where have you been?" I ask. "I went back to my place to work on music. I realized that I forgot my phone and my house is thirty minutes away. I wasn't going to drive another thirty minutes here and back just for my phone." He smiled at me. "And you didn't decide to let me know?" I ask. "I did. I left a note on the fridge." Ryan says. He retrieves the note from the fridge. I read it.

I headed back to my place to work on music. I should be back in a few hours or so. Don't worry about me! I love you! :)
~Ryro <3

I put the note on the coffee table. "Well then. I didn't see that. All I noticed was your phone on the counter. I feel like an absolute idiot." I say. Ryan pulls me up from the couch. "You're not an idiot. I should've put it on the counter where you'd see it." Ryan kisses me. I kiss him back. "Spencer texted me saying that we leave for tour in a month. He got it all set up. He's calling the tour A Pretty. Odd. Fever You Can't Sweat Out. He combined our first two studio albums together. I thought it was clever." I say.

Ryan interlocks our hands together. "It is clever. Spence has always been able to come up with good names." Ryan says. Brendon's mind was trailing off the topic of tour. It kept going to his last album, Death Of A Bachelor. It was about Ryan, or at least two of the songs were. House Of Memories and Impossible Year were about Ryan. Come to think of it, a lot of Panic! At The Disco's songs were about Ryan. "B, are you okay?" Ryan asked. Brendon raises his eyebrows for a split second. "I'm fine." He says. Ryan tries to read me. He was always good at that, trying to figure out what was bugging me. It was one of the many things I liked about him. I was like an open book to him. He would manage to get it out of me one way or another.

"Are you sure? You seem bugged by something." Ryan said. He squinted his eyes at me. "I'm fine. I swear." I say. "Okay, but if something does bug you, you know you can tell me." He smiles at me. "I know." I smile back. I go to my recording studio and grab my acoustic guitar. I start to play House of Memories.

I think of you from time to time
More than I thought I would
You were just too kind
And I was too young to know
That's all that really matters
I was your fool

I stare at Ryan, who was leaning against the door frame while staring at me. I forced a smile but on the inside I was having mixed feelings. I was happy but at the same time I was upset. I don't know how to explain it. "Your hair is a mess." Ryan says. I run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to fix it.

» Ryan's P.O.V.«

Something was bugging Brendon, I could tell. He was playing his acoustic guitar gently, singing a song, which was off his newest album Death Of A Bachelor, softly. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I bit my lip. "Your hair is a mess." I say. He runs hi fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix it. He put his guitar down on the stand. He stood up and walked towards me. "Are you staying the night or are you gonna go back home?" He asks. "I think I might stay here for the night." I say. "Sounds good." Brendon kisses me softly, barely a kiss and more a peck. "Something is bugging you. I can tell. Please tell me what's bothering you." I say.

Brendon huffed. "That song I was singing is about you. A lot of Panic! At The Disco's songs are about you. It bugs me that it still reminds me of you and how you left me ten years ago but then came back to make amends. It still bugs me that I fear you'll leave again and not return. I can't stand it. Sometimes I think that I shouldn't have opened that door. I should've let you forget me again. Other times, I'm glad I opened that door to let you in because I have every inch of you all to myself." Brendon said. He began to pull at his hair in frustration. "Brendon, is that how you feel? Like you shouldn't let me back in?" I ask. "Yeah, sometimes. But not all the time. I shouldn't have said anything."

He looks down. "Yes, you should have. Now, I know that I need to try harder so I don't let myself leave again. I'm not going to let it happen again." I say. I lift his chin so he looks at me. "Promise?" He looked up at me. "Promise." I kiss him. He kisses me back. I felt him smile in the kiss. "I love you." I whisper in his ear. "I love you too." He kisses my forehead.

Hello! Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I went to the pool and got badly sunburnt. So, LandoAtTheDisco made my cover. He's a true queen. I love you all so much! Bye!

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