Chapter Nine

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»Brendon's P.O.V«

The next day, I'm sitting on the couch beside Ryan. We were watching Supernatural. I stand up and go to my office. "Where are you going?" Ryan asked. "I'm about to live stream in my office. Oh, and smoke weed." I say. I open Instagram. I start live streaming. 'What did you do for the ten year anniversary of Pretty. Odd.?' One comment read. "I threw a party. Jon, Spencer, and Ryan showed up and we played Pas De Chavel. It was really fun." I replied. I finish working on the joint and light it. I take a few hits.

Ryan walks into the office. Everyone in the comments went crazy when they saw Ryan. I smile at him. He smiles back. "Mind if I join?" He asks. "No, not at all." I say. He pulls a chair beside me. I offer him the joint. He holds his hand up. "No, I don't smoke." He says. I start at him with wide eyes. "Really? Why?" I ask. "I've never tried it. Not gonna lie, I have been curious to try it but never pulled myself to." He says. I put the joint up to my mouth and take a puff. Ryan takes the joint from me and takes a hit. He coughs. "I think I did that so fucking wrong." He said. I laugh. "Yeah, you did." I laugh. He hands it back to me.

I put the joint out in an ash tray. I was done with it. I read some more comments. 'Get some Frank Sinatra playing up in here.' A comment read. I start to play Sinatra. 'Ryan are you still gay for Brendon?' A comment read. Ryan laughed. "Should we tell them?" He whispered in my ear. I nod. Ryan cups my face in his hands and kisses me. The comments go crazy. "We are dating." Ryan says simply. "Yeah, we are." I say. Penny Lane starts to bark. I pick her up. "What? What is it Penny?" I ask her. She licks my face. I put her down. "Well, I'm gonna head out. I love you people so much! Hope to see you all soon." I winked. I end the stream.

Ryan rests his head on my shoulder. "You smell nice."  Ryan said. "Thanks. I did shower today." I say. Ryan kisses my neck. The kissing turns into light sucking. He sucks on a certain part of my collarbone that makes me gasp. "R-Ryan," I gasp. He moves away from my neck. "Yes?" He looks at me. He had a smirk on his face. "I love you." I say. He kisses my jaw. "I love you too." He says. I cup his face in my hands and begin to kiss him. Ryan stood me up and continued to kiss me. His hand traced my v-line. I pushed him away. "I'm sorry." I say. "For what?" He asked. "I'm not ready for that again. I'm still sore from yesterday." I say. "You will be for a little while." Ryan smiled at me.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I close my mouth and walk out of my office. Ryan walks out after me.

» Ryan's P.O.V.«

Brendon goes into the kitchen to grab a beer. I grab one for myself and open it. I sit down on the couch beside Brendon. He was looking at his texts. He choked on air when he saw one text.

Sarah: I know about you and your little boyfriend of yours. I will end him so you can be with me. You're mine and mine only. Got it?
(sent at 5:30 PM)

"She won't hurt me." I say. "She's lost her mind lately. I hope not." I say. I put my hand on his shoulder. "She. Won't. Hurt. Me." I say slowly. "Okay, if she does I'll never forgive myself." He frowns. "She won't." I kiss him. He kisses me back. "I'm so lucky to have you, Beebo. You're my everything." I say. "I'm so lucky to have you too, Ryro. You're my everything as well." He smiles. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says. I got a text from Spencer.

Spencer: Jon and I are going out to eat. Do you and Brendon wanna come?

Me: Sure. Where will it be at?

Spencer: Red Robin

Me: We'll be there soon.

We get ready and leave to go out to eat. We arrive at Red Robin. We find Spencer and Jon. We sit down. "There you guys are. We ordered you two beer. Figured you'd want some." Jon says. "Jon you know me too well." I say. "What can I say? I'm your best friend. I gotta know you like the back of my hand." He smiles at me. Brendon rests his head on my shoulder. He kisses my jaw. "You look so handsome." I say. "So do you." He kisses my jaw again. He holds my hand and interlocks our fingers together. Our beer comes. "What would you like to eat?" The waiter asks. We order our food. "That'll be out shortly." He shot me a smile.

He leaves and we all talk about tour. "We should go to Norway again. I loved Norway." I say. "We know. You almost moved there." Spencer says. "But we should go to Norway. It'll be fun to go again." I say. "It would be fun. Norway was awesome." Brendon chimes in. "I'll talk to the manager and see what happens." Spencer says. "Sounds good." I got excited. "God, I'm so fucking excited for this tour. It's been so long since I've been on tour. Ever since Young Veins, I haven't been on tour." I say. We all do a toast to the tour. "This is so perfect. Everything is falling into place." Brendon smiles. "It's like we pressed the restart button and we get another chance." Jon says. "We are all closer than we've ever been before. We won't let what happened last time happen again." Spencer says. "I love you bastards." I say. It only took ten years to realize that.

Hello there beautiful people. So I that's the end of the book. Sorry it's so short but I think it went to shit and I wasn't just going to stop it then and there so I decided to give it a proper shitty ending. I love you all so very much! Bye! <3

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