Chapter 6

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~Kami's POV~

I sat in class not even paying attention. I let out a sigh "Day two, let's hope nothing happens." I said to myself.

Class finally ended and I walked down the hallway not really paying attention till someone ran into me causing me to drop all my books, "Watch where you're going loser." I hear an annoying female voice say. I just ignored her and went to class. "Hey Kami! Wait up!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I turn around and see Jungkook running towards me.

"Hey Jungkook, where were you and Jimin? You guys weren't in first period." I asked.

"Oh we woke up late." He chuckled.

"Oh, hey completely random but yesterday at the park I noticed you weren't interacting with any of us, why's that?" I asked.

"Oh that... I ummm got caught up drawing, and well Taehyung and Jimin hyung both know I don't like being bothered when I'm drawing, so that's why." He replying.

"Oh, that makes sense.... You know I think you and Hyun-Jee would get along really well, if you'd just talk to each other." I said but Jungkook didn't reply he just kept walking.

Jungkook and I walked to class and sat in our seats, again not paying any attention to a single thing the teacher is saying. My eyes wandered the classroom until my eyes landed on Jungkook more specifically his chest, he had on a cross necklace similar to Jimin's but instead of a blue gem his was red, "Why do they look so familiar to me? It's as if I've seen them before." I thought to myself.

"Jungkook-ah." I whispered.

"Jungkook-ah." I whispered again.

"Pssst Jungkook-ah." I said a little louder but he still didn't here me.

I just sighed in defeat, "I'll just ask him about it later I guess." I thought to myself.

Shortly after class ended, I gathered my things and went to my next class. Luckily the next to classes went by pretty quick.

In a blink of an eye it was already time for lunch. I walked to the cafeteria and found Hyun-Jee and the guys sitting at a table, I walked towards them. "Hey Kami, sit here." Jimin said patting the seat next to him. I gladly sat next to him and pulled out my lunch and started eating.

"Hey Kami, can I ask you something?." I heard Jimin ask.

I nodded, "Shoot."

"What do you think about mythological hybrids?" He asked, Jungkook and Taehyung immediately stopped what they where doing and looked at Jimin.

"Mythological hybrids as in vampires, werewolves and stuff like that?" I asked a bit confused.

"Yeah, what do you think about them?"

"Well in all honesty I prefer werewolves over vampires to me they seem more believable because one they're easier to disguise themselves plus they don't have to worry about being in the sun, vampires on the other hand I actually pretty easy to spot due to their pale skin and their uncontrollable hunger for human blood, from what I heard vampires can't last more that a couple of days without human blood, the longer they go without human blood the weaker they get, and now that I think about it everyone in Korea everyone here is pretty pale skin so I take that back, but the chances of either of them actually existing is very unlikely." I replied, all three of them have a disappointed look on their face.

"Are you guys ok? Did I say something wrong?" I asked worridly.

The three shook their heads fiercely. "Umm alright." I said shoving food in my face.

"Omo! Jiminnie oppa!" I heard a familiar annoying voice call out, quickly walking towards us followed by two other girls.

"Crap..." Jimin muttered.

"Jiminnie oppa! I'm back! Did you miss me?" The girl asked in an annoying tone hugging up on him.

"Aish! Areum what do you want?" Jimin said obviously frustrated.

"Hi Kookie oppa." one other girls with short light brown hair said.

"Tae Tae oppa! Hi!" a girl with blonde hair squealed.

They just gave them a slight nod of acknowledgement.

"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm hugging my loving boyfriend." The girl I assumed to be names Areum said. I almost throw up my food upon hearing those words.

"Unnie are you ok?" I heard Hyun-Jee ask. All three guys quickly turn to me a bit worried.

"Yeah I'm fine I just heard something that made me sick that's it." I replied looking at Areum.

"Oh I know you, you're the loser that ran into me. You owe me an apology by the way." She said.

I sat there confused, "Excuse me? I owe you an apology?" I repeated.

"Are you deaf? Yes you owe me an apology for running into me." She said a bit louder causeing everyone in the cafeteria to stare at us.

"Actually if I remember correctly your ass ran into me, so the one that should be apologizing is you not me." I replied with a grin on my face. You could obviously tell by the way her face was turning, she was about to explode. Areum got closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Listen here bitch, I run this school so I suggest you change that attitude of yours before I decide to make your life a living hell."

"First of all you poor excuse for a barbie doll get away from me, it smells like you've been eating nothing but garlic bread for the past 3 months, and secondly your ass doesn't look like a damn administrator so don't say you run this damn school cuz honey I'm sorry to say this but you don't."

"Ooo's" and laughter where heard throughout the cafeteria. Areum and the other two girls stood there shocked and embarrassed at what I said, but they weren't the only ones, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and even Hyun-Jee sat there baffled. I simply grinned in victory and went back to eating.

"New girl or not you'll pay for what you did, come on girls let's go." Areum said storming out of the cafeteria with the other two following after her.

I just shrugged and kept eating. "Unnie, I think you've just made a big mistake." Hyun-Jee said looking worried with the other three slowly nodding their heads in agreement.

"Why do you say that?" I asked obviously very confused.

"Those 3 are Lee sisters." Taehyung stated. I just looked at him even more confused.

"Lee Areum, Lee Somin, and Lee Jisoo. The most popular girls in school." Jungkook added.

"They're also the most spoiled girls at this school, they get everything they want. Their dad is the wealthiest man in Busan." Jimin said.

I was still completely confused with what was going on. "You guys are telling me all of this is as if it should mean something to me."

"It should unnie, they're the most powerful girls in school. You should go apologize to them." Hyun-Jee said.

I was completely in shock with what Hyun-Jee said. "Jee-ah do you really expect me to go apologize to a wannabe barbie doll?" I asked.

"Yes unnie, I do, you even said you wanted to avoid any and all problems. Please for your own safety apologize to them please." Hyun-Jee pleaded.

"Jee-ah I'll be fine, I can handle anything they throw at me, and I know you're not just worried about my safety they're thinking about yours too, we'll be fine. I'll protect you ok?" I said giving Hyun-Jee a reassuring smile.

"And we'll protect you two." Jimin smiled.

"I've got to hand it to you Kami, you're one brave girl for standing up to the Lee sisters like that, but you better keep your eyes open from now on." Jungkook stated.

I just nodded.

The school day came to an end with no sign of the Lee sisters, which was really good for me I wouldn't want to deal with their crap, my mind wandered like usual as I walked down the hallway, headed towards the front of the school to meet Hyun-Jee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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