the good thing about months in japanese is that it's basically the numbers + "gatsu" [ month ]. just remember that april and july is not "yon gatsu" and "nana gatsu". instead, it's: "shi gatsu" and "shichi gatsu"
1. january ▷ ichi gatsu ▷ 一月
2. february ▷ nii gatsu ▷ 二月
3. march ▷ san gatsu ▷ 三月
4. april ▷ shi gatsu ▷ 四月
5. may ▷ goh gatsu ▷ 五月
6. june ▷ rocku gatsu ▷ 六月
7. july ▷ shichi gatsu ▷ 七月
8. august ▷ hachi gatsu ▷ 八月
9. september ▷ kyuu gatsu ▷ 九月
10. october ▷ juu gatsu ▷ 十月
11. november ▷ juuichi gatsu ▷ 十一月
12. december ▷ juunii gatsu ▷ 十二月
cheer up !! persistence is key !
[ learn japanese w/ me!!1! ]
Randomreasons why I made this book// ▷ i'm learning Japanese in school ▷ i like the feeling of helping other ppl ^^ ▷ it's nice knowing another language ▷ eavesdrop in Japanese conversations hehe ▷ you can actually understand japanese in the future