The girl

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Ok so I know I know it was a short chapter it's the shortest in the series but I hope you liked author Chan is really happy if you do .( : but anyway hope you like the chapter.

Chapter 2(the girl)

     Hajime Saito POV

Right there in front of there was a girl I'm go to say she was about 175cm she was really peculiar she has really weird hair and her clothes were much revealing.

          3rd per POV

"Aww Hajime I wanted to kill but you beat me to it" Souji said with a sly grin on his face "I wasn't the one who killed them" Hajime said and pointed to Hannah.hannah just stood there waiting for something to happen, she heard footsteps coming near she felt something perse her back she gasped in surprise "if you run I kill you" he then took his katana and was about to hit her in the back of the neck but something bit him and he yelped "AGGG YOU DAME DOG I'M GONN-" "NO STOP" Hannah lunges forward and grab onto dangos neck "Kill him you kill me" everyone at that point was shocked that she would give her life up for a dog "why would you give your life so quickly for a dog" Hijikata said while pointing his katana at them,"because he is the only family I have left" she said glaring daggers at Hijikata "it either you knock out my dog with me or you let me have him follow me.your choice" she said Hijikata sighed loudly "fine he can follow us but keep him away from me"  "hmph thought so" she said while walking away before anyone could say anything to her.

          Hannah POV

Once we got to there head quarters the guy in the white scarf took me to a room he shoved me in the room and motioned for me to sit I sat down because I didn't feel like putting up a fight about being tied up. He knelt behind me and grabbed some rope and a gage "oh hell no your not putting that thing on me mpgh mabp" I started to squirm after he put the gage on me he then tied my arms together in the back then he tied my ankles together but he stopped at my legs a crimson color started to crawl up his  cheeks. "Oh yeah I forgot in Japan it was inappropriate for women to show any thighs or legs well he's a fucking samurai man up"  "wimp" I managed to gasp out one word, at that point he did not hesitate one bit he grabbed the rest of the rope tied really tight "mpha mbap ppahm!!!!" I screamed "I was supposed to say YOUR GOING TO CUT OFF MY BLOOD CIRCULATION!"but he couldn't make that out so I just had to be loud.sooner or later he left then another person came in I'm guessing it was probably Souji Okita. "Your lucky Hijikata and Hajime were there other ways you would be dead" he said with a devilish grin on face "oh yeah and we got your dog" dango just came out of nowhere and jumped on me I squalid and dango managed to get the gage out of my mouth in the process "thank you" I said to him he just nodded and  closed the door.sleep was hard for me I couldn't get comfortable with my arms tied behind my back and the more I moved the more the ropes would cut me, at that point I could just smell my own blood.finally sleep gave in and I was able to sleep in till I felt a cold rush of air come and I woke up to see a middle aged man in the door. "Oh my why would they bound up a lady so tight I am so sorry miss" "It's ok it's fine by the way if you don't mind me asking what's your name" "oh sorry about that my name is ginsabrow inou and this is the temporary headquarters of the roshigumi " I gasped at that I had know idea I actually went back in time well I've confirmed it. "There's no need to be afraid the captains may seem scary but once you get to know them there not at all that bad" inou said with reassuring smile "i sure hope so" i wasn't going to admit it but I was a little scared "dango came on" dangos ears shot up and he Pranced over to me and Inou. we walked for a while until we stopped in front of a room inou opened the door and I'm guessing that all the people in there were the captains and commanders. "Woah that's the witness she looks like she's some sort of sex slave"the guy in the bandanna said "yeah Maybe a patrion or something" a guy with a spear said "she looks like a westerner. I agree with Shinpachi she looks like a sex slave" murmurs slowly started to float around the room "HEY I'M NOT A SEX SLAVE I DESPISE THAT" everyone was immediately silent finally the guy with glasses spoke up " please do not be afraid close the door and sit down" "ok" I did as he told me and sat down in between inou and scarf jerk dango sat in the back near the spear guy, one of the men in the front. cleared his throat " first off my name is Kondō Isami on my left there's sansan and On my right there's Toshi we'll Toshizo Hijikata-" "why are you telling the girl are names" Hijikata snapped "is that a bad thing" kando said raising a eyebrow "well you're interrogating the girl not ask her out to dinner"said bandanna(Shinpachi) "ok well let's get down to Business first what's your full name" kando said "Hannah grace Davis" I said "could this go any faster" i thought I was getting very Impatient,"ok Saito report please" kando said to scarf jerk "last night 3 failed ones broke free in Kyoto this person killed them all" everyone looked at me with pure shock "it wasn't that hard but I got to say they got it coming you never attack me ever. But next time don't have those freaks wandering around town" " young lady you have no Authority to order us around" Hijikata said in a angry voice " actually I do if the try to kill me!" I was so angry "ok ok just calm down no need to get rash" kando San said " ok well how did you even end up In the ally" sansan said " I don't know I woke up there besides I don't belong in this time zone" Hijikata looked at me like I was
crazy " you expect us to believe your from the future. You have no proof" at that moment I stood up looked at them all and said " you want proof of I will give you proof" at that moment I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and gave it to Hijikata "good bye my sweet baby" Hijikata then gave it to kando who must of triggered Siri because it started to talk he then jumped at that and accidentally dropped my phone but caught it in time so I didn't smash into a million pieces." What was that" kando looked a little confused and shocked. I couldn't help but laugh at that "it was Siri,siri basically is you tell Siri to go to a app on your phone and she will do it" i explained to them "ok so you are from the future but what will we do with you." I could tell that Hijikata was thinking really hard." If you think any harder your going to hurt yourself" the room bursted out into laughter I couldn't help but snicker to "shut up all of you" those words seemed to work and the room went silent "honestly of what she saw in that ally we should just kill her sansan said talk bursted out in the room about if I should be killed or not I couldn't take it anymore so I had to say something,"I CAN FIGHT" I screamed out it went silent then Saito spoke "have you gone to any Academy or sword school at all" his voice kinda annoyed "as a matter of fact I have. I was in my hometown of New York a sword academy was moved from Edo to New York when world war 2 ended, I went to that academy for 13 years so I have a lot of experience. I said flipping my hair in a don't challenge me way. They all took a moment to talk to each other about it but they made me and dango stand outside in the cold "some men you are making me stand out in the cold" all of a sudden I felt a huge hand on my shoulder I turned around to see a red head standing in back of me "we're done talking you can comeback inside" I just nodded and walked inside I sat in the same spot I did before the Hijikata cleared his throat "we have decide that you will prove your strength against me for if you join a unit. And for the way you dress" Hijikata started to blush when he said that "anyway go on" I said getting annoyed "your going to dress as a man we can't have the man getting disrupted because there's a woman here" and that was the breaking point "ok first of all what's wrong with the way I dress it's not disrespectful and I'm not showing off anything" I was at that point standing up and crossing my arms I was fuming " first of all ,your pants are to short" Saito said

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