The meeting

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Hi my luvs this chapter is a little shorter than the last but if I didn't cut it in half you'd be stuck with a 8,226 word chapter and I'm doing this out of luv so yeah tough love anyway enough chit chat on with the story! (^3^)
PS: the pic of the fan up top is the fan the guy drops in the story ok now on with the story!<3

Chapter 3

         Harada POV

I was just standing there and then I noticed she wasn't wearing anything I was in shock I didn't know what to do,all I could do was stand there and have my mouth agape.then she yelled and I rushed out I just didn't feel like having my brain cells being killed by a long lecture by Hijikata so I ran.

         Hannah POV

As I walked into the room I saw a blushing harada "well don't you have a reputation of greeting people with inappropriate clothing not like I'm complaining" Souji said with signature devilish grin on his face "I will end you Souji" I said just wanting to slap him "woah looks like someone's not a morning person" Souji said I glared daggers at him before sitting down between Saito and Heisuke."by the way what is that on your back" harada asked I didn't really feel comfortable telling him But he asked nicely so."it's a tattoo of a guardian wolf" I said eating my rise. "Why did you get it,and why a wolf."Heisuke said curiously I sighed and put down my chopsticks and rice facing Heisuke."because I concurred a really difficult person in my way and this tattoo is a sign of survival of what happened" I said looking straight in his eyes "if you don't mind me asking who was that person"asked kando San I took another deep sigh again trying to hold back my tears "my father. he abused me for years and when I settled it I got this tattoo to cover my permanent bruises." At that point I was crying everyone was staring at me with pure shock on there faces." Excuses me" I bowed and ran out I ran out to the courtyard and sat on the porch and cried until I felt a hand on my shoulder I wiped around to see Souji "can I sit with you" I nodded I just sat there hugging myself that didn't last very long until i was pulled into a soft embrace "Souji-~" "it's ok to cry you don't have to hold it in anymore" his voice was soft and comforting not teasing and annoying I just started crying and crying "it hurt so much I felt so helpless and weak" I cried into his shoulder he nodded and listened to everything I said until I stopped crying "you can let go I feel better." He let go and smiled at me "don't tell anyone that I did that or I'll kill you" Souji said smirking at I laughed nervously "and now I'm getting death threats this this is new" I thought, my thoughts were quickly interrupted by kando san coming down the hallway "Hannah get ready we're going to town to look for a outfit."kando said standing down the hallway I stood up and said thank you to Souji and ran to my room and got dressed in a kimono that  I found in my closet for some reason, it was a dark blue color with cherry blossoms all over with a pink ribbon in the back in my perspective it was rather pretty. I ran out of my room to meet kando San at the gate. I was being accompanied by Hijikata Heisuke Saito and harada,I let them pick out my outfit because there men and I wanted it to be a surprise. So I just stayed outside all of a sudden someone knocked into me "oh I'm so sorry sir." He didn't even say anything he just walked away but he dropped something "sir excuse me you dropped something." He didn't even turn around "ugh rude,oh well I guess you're mine now" I picked up the object it seems to be a fan I was so in my own world I didn't even notice the Roian standing in front of me "hey lady do you have a husband" the ring leader said "oh no I don't" I said kinda weirded out "well would you like a husband" he said looking at me wired "sorry I don't associate with drunks" I said starting to walk away but one of them grabbed my forearm " you're going to regret that lady" one of them said getting angry "no your going to regret that" I grabbed on to the guys arm and twisting it breaking it instantly I then kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and then hit him in the back of the head knocking him out "YOU BITCH YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT" the ring leader then pulled out his sword and lunged at me I quickly dodged it pulling my own out and lunging at I'm my force knocked him back and he fell on the ground I then hit him I the back of the head and knocking him out like the other guy. "Does anyone else want to go" I said getting into a battle position.they all ran at that, I seathed my katana and waited for the guys to come out "hey Hannah look what w-~" they looked at me and then at the roain then at me again "before you say anything there not dead." "There just Slightly knocked out" "ok well look at what we got you" Heisuke said he gave me the bag I looked inside to see a outfit like Heisukes but it was Tiffany blue with a red sash and yellow leggings it even had new sandals the go up to my shins and shin guards and forearm guards just like Heisukes outfit. I smiled at that. "So she finally smiles" harada said "yeah thank you" I whispered but loud enough for the to hear "Ok let's go back I have to change and get ready to fight Hijikata"

Ok ok don't kill me I told you it was going to be short what do you expect out of me . Just be lucky that I didn't feel really lazy today and thought of you and made this so just happy author chan thought of you  well bye luvs! (^3^)

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