Cold soul

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Ok so I'm sick and I have a infection so I'm lazy and going crazy from no friends being able to come over because of me being sick so I'm writing expect it to be a little shity because I'm sick and not focused so hope you like it bye luvs!(^3^)

                   Hannah POV.  
It's been a few weeks since my fathers henchman " attacked" me. I let out a long sigh as I woke up "uhh mornings"  as soon as I sat up I felt like I was going to throw up I could feel it coming up I ran as fast as I could to a flower bed I couldn't hold anymore and I throw up in the flowers I coughed a little after. I looked down where I throw up I was sure it was going to be whatever I ate it was black blood "oh shit shit shit shit shit, Im going to have to tell them but when." I was freaking out I had no idea what would happen to me "Hannah? What are you doing?" I was broke from my freaking out by shinpachi "u- uh i-I was uh sniffing the flowers? Yeah! Sniffing the flowers." I said nervously "ok well its breakfast so" he was so weirded out I just had to laugh at him but I had to keep it in so he didn't expect anything "ok then let's go." Without any questions I dashed to the dining hall I slid the door open. I was greeted by the captains faces " good morning Hannah how did you sleep." Kando asked me they were all so lively today " I slept good I think I'm ok to do training again and what is my position." I said sitting down " you will not be training anytime soon." Hijikata said. I mentally groaned at that I hate pity " but as for you position. Besides being Soujis page you will be joining the 1st division" I wasn't entirely disappointed that I wasn't a captain it's not like I cared. Ok I cared a lot it's not like I would say that I was up set it's rude to say that. " really your going to let me Join." I was really not expecting that I thought that they would make me Souji full time page. I really only even spare with Souji. " of course will let you join you have proven that you have sword skill. Your strength is nothing like any of ares." Kando said smiling at me " plus it's either you join or we kill you." Souji said smirking I laughed at him an punched him slightly in the shoulder " you sound like my brother saying that." I said smiling I returned to eating my breakfast with no questions "what was he like." Looked to the owner of the voice and sure enough it was Heisuke always asking stupid questions. I took a  long sigh " my brother was nice kind and insanely strong he was 12 years old when I was born  he was nice to me even though we aren't fully siblings." " what do you mean not fully siblings." Harada blurted out "I mean that  he's my half brother we have different moms." I stopped talking so they could proses it " oh ." I rolled my eyes at them " where's he now." Heisuke yelled out. Harada punched him in the shoulder " OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Heisuke screamed " idiot don't ask stupid questions." He yelled " no it's fine. When I was 14 I was in a
gang and I was supposed to do a job but I failed the punishment was death they were going to shot me but my brother stepped in front of me and took the bullet." I said starring at my hands " yeah that's what happened. I guess I just have horrible luck." I said laughing slightly I got up and bowed to them "thank you for the meal." I left them speechless.

With the roshigumi

" I've never met anyone whos had it worse then souji." Hijikata said thinking " yeah you got that right first her dad now her brother that's heavy. And to think 14 she's got it hard." Harada said they all nodded in agreement "should someone check on her." Heisuke said they agreed with it " ok who's going." He said " why don't you go you suggested it." Shinpachi said " hell no! She's fucking scary." He shuddered of some memories " ok well how about souji." Kando suggested "well yeah it seems that she's pretty fond of you." Harada said " yeah yeah ok I'll go ."

Hannah POV

I got to my room and closed the door behind me I have to go to town today. I decided to where some skinny jeans and a black crop top. I was about to open the door when someone knocked. "Hannah you in there." I recognized that voice it was soujis. I opened the door " uh yeah I was about to go into town but I have a few minutes to talk I" said stepping out of my room and closed the door behind me. " I just came here to ask you if you were ok." He said sympathetically "oh yeah I'm fine I've learned how to talk about it with out breaking down. " I said " well what are you going to do in town." He said. " well I'm going the sweet shop and I'm going to get another tattoo." I said smiling at him. His eyes drifted to my scars on my stomach. He Placed his hand on my stomach slashes " hey I'll be fine." I said placing my hand on his cheek." I know but what if he comes back and hurts you more." He kept rambling on about how I was going to get hurt. " Souji" he kept rambling " Souji " he still kept rambling. I pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him it was a short but passionate kiss I was the one to pull away " Souji I'm not going to get hurt my dad doesn't come out in the day time his henchmen do and I can defeat them. So you don't have to worry Baka." I said to him holding his face " I know you guys are there."I walked up to the eavesdroppers and glared at them " you saw nothing." I said in the most scary voice I could make . They shake there heads violently and dash away. " well I got to go so see you later." I waved to them as I left to got town.

                           Time skip

The town was really buzzing today I finally made my way to the tattoo shop I decided that I would get a tattoo of the Chinese dragon.

                      Hannah's tattoo

     " excuse me I was wondering if you could do this tattoo

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     " excuse me I was wondering if you could do this tattoo." I gave the man the picture of the tattoo he nodded his head and pointed to a place for me to sit down.

                           Time skip

I thanked the man and gave him my money. " next stop the doctors." When I entered the office I was greeted by a nice lady " hello ma'am are you hear for a woman doctor or a man?" She was really nice " I'm here to see a girl." I said nervously. " ok ma'am right this way." She led me to a room with a medic table and some chairs . " Mrs. hijikata I have a patient here for you." She said. The door opened to reveal a elder woman she had black hair and violet eyes just like hijikata San but her hair had a few strikes of grey. She smiled at me and motioned for me to lay down on the examining table. She closed the door behind her " ok honey what are you here for." She said smiling at me. I sat up into a position to speak to her " I'm here for a pregnancy test." I said looking at the ground " oh you don't have to be ashamed to ask I have to kids myself. The boys name is Toshizō and the girls name is yuki." I looked up at her I nodded my head " now lay down on the table and I'll examine you." I did as she said and she examined me in about a couple of minutes she was finished. She looked at smiling " I've got good news your pregnant." I was speechless I didn't know what to say. I snapped back to reality I put on the biggest smile i could " that's great I can't wait to tell my husband the good news he'll be so excited." I said smiling " ok you may go." She said I thanked her and left the doctors. I ran as fast as I could back to the headquarters. Once I made it back i walked in with my head hung low " hey Hannah how's it going." Heisuke said the Baka trio and Souji were there " I'm fine I guess." I said turning around " hey is there something wrong." Shinpachi said " yeah I guess you could say that I whispers to myself " what" " oh nothing I was just wondering if you could gather all the captains and kando in a room for me . I want to talk to you guys about something." I said turning around and walking away once I reached my room I quickly went inside and shut the door behind me " pregnant me pregnant." I broke down crying I sobbed into my hands " Hannah we have the man in the room we're just waiting on you." Heisuke said I wiped the tears from my eyes " ok" I yelled back  I got up and opened the door " let's go." He said I nodded we made our way to the commons. I slid the door open " sorry for the wait." I said Bowing" no need to bow it's fine." Kondō said  I sat in the middle of the room " ok so what did you want to talk to us about." Kando said making a more serious face. I sighed and thought of what to say " I'm leaving the roshigumi." I said before anyone could say something in protest I gave kando a piece of paper " it has everything on about why I'm leaving." I watched him read I could tell that he reached the part that I said I was pregnant. " when did it happen" he said giving the peace of paper to hijikata San " about 3 weeks ago. Everything was silent for a few minutes " I'm sorry I understand if you don't want me in your ranks anymore." I said Bowing. I stayed bowing for a long time I could hear someone get up and stand in front of me " stop bowing." I stood up face to face with kando San. He pulled me into a hug " we're not getting rid of you and we are not letting you leave . You will get throw this we all will." He said letting go of me " oh I forget to tell this in the letter but there's something else." I said sitting back down  " I inherited some po-" all of a sudden lnou burst throw the door " we have orders to pack and meet serizawa at the front gate."

Aaaaaaaaaaaand DONE! Ok ok don't kill I know it's been a while I just got sucked into a really good story so I kinda forgot. Haha guilty as charged anyway I hope you like this chapter bye luvs! (^3^)

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