Stone hard

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Ok so might be a while before I post anymore I have to right another chapter the only reason why had a new chapter everyday is because the were pre written so yeah well hope you like it  luvs.(^3^)

Chapter 4(stone hard)

           Hannah POV

I stood there in shock "how are you here" I said snapping back to reality I was going to grab for my katana but I realized I left it in my room.i smacked my head "worse time ever to leave my katana in my room" i thought I'm so stupid "knock her out" my father said I wiped around to see that I was Surrounded by people " so that's how your going to play" I lunged at one kicked him in the balls turned him around and broke his arm he screamed in pain I then pushed him back."GET HER"my dad screamed they all lunged at me I jumped and grabbed a tree branch I kicked a guy in the face and he feel back taking a few of his friends with him. I took out the last guy by Breaking his neck with my thighs jumped to the ground. All of a sudden a big gust of wind knocked me down and I hit my head on a tree root.

       With the captains

          3rd per POV

""Ok guys I'm getting worried Hannah hasn't reached the checkpoint yet she could be lost or worse." Heisuke said he was getting really nervous Hannah wasn't at the checkpoint yet and it has been 30 minutes since you were supposed to be at the checkpoint." Yes Todo kun is right it really surprising that she wasn't the first person back" inou said  concerne laced his voice "I'll go talk to kando" Hijikata said getting up.

            Time skip

"Listen up" kando yelled over the talking crowd
"we are making a search party I will be splitting you guy up ,harada,Souji,inou you will take your units and search the left side of the forest and then met back at headquarters. Shinpachi,Heisuke Saito and Hijikata units will take the right side and report back to headquarters if you find him.

               Time skip

            Hannah POV

I woke up on a room I was chained to a wooden beam my arms were chained above my head and so were my legs "oh your up good" my father walked out of the shadows till he was right in front of me " I won't hurt you as long as you give me the sword and the charm" he said. I spat in his face "I'd rather die than give you them" I hissed at him she wiped off the spit off his face with anger "so that's how it going to go well fine" he motioned for the guy in the corner "go get them" my father said a few minutes later the guy came back with a big black case when the guy opened it,it was filled with knives I got nervous Dad picked up one of the knives and cut my forearm I winced in pain but the cut healed quickly "I figured that would happen" my father said he smiled and
Motioned to the guy again the guy came back with another blake case but it was father opened it and it was also knives "shocker the case is also filled with knives." I said rolling my eyes my dad just smiled at that he pulls out one of the knives into put it in my face it was glowing purple "this is called a demon tell me where the gem and katana are" he said I smiled at him "never" I said blowing raspberries in his face all of a sudden he stabbed me in the thigh I screamed a blood curdling scream he pulled the knife out and held it to my stomach "I'll ask again where is the gem and katana!!" He yelled at me "I WILL NEVER GIVE YOU THEM!" I screamed at him my cheeks were stained from my tears he then slashed my Stomach 2 times and my arm once "sir they're looking for her we have to let her go" one of the men said my father was standing there in silence "sir" the man said again "I know I know.make this clear this is a warning if you don't give me them in the future much worse will happen to you" at that I was back in the spot where I was knocked out at. I grabbed onto a nearby tree and started to limp back to HQ the search party's gave up for the night and went back to HQ. I carefully avoided the bear traps and made my way back to HQ until i met HQs stone fence."why the hell would they have a stone fence who besides me would be able to jump it."i thought i wasn't in the mood to be interrupted by anything I jumped off my good leg and grabbed the top of the fence and swung both legs around but my landing wasn't that graceful I landed with a thud on the ground.that must of attraked dango because he ran at me barking.

     With the roshigumi

"We will have to search again tomorrow. She might have gone into the deep part of the forest-~" Hijikata was interrupted by dango barking "that damn dog" Hijikata opened the shoji door "DANGO BE QUI-~"

          Hannah POV

I was trying to pull myself up with the help of the stone wall but I fell I tried one more time but I collapsed on myself.i could feel my eyes getting heavy I could hear voices talking.

      With the roshigumi
            Hijikata POV

     I ran to Hannah her clothes were soaked in blood she was struggling a lot. I came to a Halt when I was standing right next to Hannah.she was still awake just very weak she had cuts on her stomach and arm she had a huge stab on her thigh at that moment I knew she didn't get those from the traps. "SOMEONE GET YAMAZAKI!" I was yelling left and right Souji came running towards me "Hijikata I got it" I gave him Hannah and he ran to yamazaki.

           Hannah POV

Yamazaki cut my Tiffany blue sleeveless shirt and yellow shoulderless shirt. He touched my stomach I flinched in pain he tried to exam the cuts without hurting he then quickly stitched my stomach. He cut my pants to see the stab wound it was bleeding really bad earlier I ripped of some of the bottom of by shirt and bandaged my stab wound.pulled the bandage off started to pool out blood I was losing to much I was trying really hard not to faint it was really difficult "we have to potteries her stab"  I flinched when he said potteries that sounds painful.

           Souji POV

When yamazaki said potteries I shifted I hate seeing Hannah in pain none of the guys do we just want to stop it she's been with us for a month now but it feels like a year.yamazaki made us hold down Hannah because know doubt she would kick yamazaki in the face.

          Hannah POV

They guys held me down I was so out of it I didn't know what they were doing until I felt a burn on my thigh I screamed in pain it hurt so much I couldn't do anything but scream and cry. My cheeks were stained with tears I looked at Souji he looked pained all of the men did even Hijikata he looked like he wanted to just take the pain away. I screamed once more in agony "one more hannah just stay with us!" It was to much I stretched out and ripped my stitches open that yamazaki stitched up I could feel it burning I was losing to much blood. My vision was going blurry I could hear shinpachi saying to hold on I saw Heisuke tearing up and trying to say I was going to be fine harada was talked no to yamazaki frantically. Saito grabbed my hand to feel my pulse and yelling to yamazaki I he said I was fading or something. Then Souji he grabbed my face and this I could her clearly "Hannah your going to live you can't die" I couldn't be awake "I can't I can't let me go let me go" I said through sobs "NO!your not going anywhere we're going to find the person who did this and get them" i shook my head frantically and looked into his eyes. Couldn't talk anymore my throat wouldn't allow it but I managed to whisper. "Bye" that's when I blacked out.

Ok its kinda bad bad but I was tired when I made it so no hate any way I'm going to take some time and re watch all the seasons movies and episodes of hakuouki to remember what happens nexts so yeah bye luvs (^3^)

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