Chapter twenty

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After dinner Elena took a walk out on the porch as Jerome was being polite and showing all the guests to the door saying goodbye. She leaned her arms on the fence and stared at the ring Jerome had given her, making her smile so much it almost started to hurt her cheeks.

"What are you doing here anyways?" she heard a familiar bitchy voice ask behind her. Elena turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" Elena asked as she laid eyes on Firefly who was standing there crossing her arms looking cocky.

"Jerome needs real criminals to execute his plans, not some wannabe psycho." she said and Elena just grinned at her.

"Come closer and I'll show you how much of a wannabe I am. Plus, who's the one who got half their face burned off? I know for sure that wasn't me because I actually succeed." Elena said and crossed her arms. Firefly's jaw dropped before she gritted her teeth.

"You fucking..." she started and tightened her fist, but quickly turned around as Oswald came out with an ahem.

"You may leave now or else I'll have you removed from this house immediately." Oswald said looking her dead in the eyes. Firefly shot a glance back and Elena frowning before she huffed and left. Elena just shook her head chuckling before looking up at Oswald who walked up to her.

"That one has a loose screw." Elena joked and Oswald smiled. Finally he smiled.

"I wanted to apologize, once again. I have not been meaning to act as distressed as I have today. It's just..personal." he explained and Elena nodded.

"It's okay. I know what's it's like dealing with difficult things going in your life. Just remember, I'm your friend, and I'm here for you." Elena said and it put another smile up on Oswald's face.

"I know you are, and thank you." he said and suddenly leaned against her placing a unexpected kiss on her cheek. Little did he know Jerome was watching from the window above them. Jerome frowned and disappeared before Elena could see him. Oswald pulled back and Elena was a bit shocked at first.

"Um, I think I'll go to bed now..Got some people to kill tomorrow so I'll need a good's night sleep." she joked which made Oswald chuckle.

"Sweet dreams." he said and Elena just nodded as she started leaving.

"Yeah, you too." she said and disappeared. She entered the bedroom and it was dark, which was odd. The only thing lighting up the room was the moonlight shining through the window.

"Jerome?" Elena asked and searched for the light switch. As soon as she took a step forward she flinched as the door behind her was shut close with a strong force. She jumped around to see Jerome holding his hand on the door.

"Woah, you scared me." she said and placed a hand onto her chest.

"What took you so long?" he asked. Elena swallowed a clump in her throat. She didn't want to tell him about the kiss Oswald planted on her cheek, she knew Jerome would think other of it than what it actually was. Oswald was probably just being polite as always, Elena tried telling herself.

"I was outside talking to Oswald." she replied innocently. Jerome suddenly grinned and shook his head.

"Yeah, he's sneaky that one." Jerome said and Elena raised an eyebrow. She was about to ask what he meant when he glanced over at her and grabbed her by her arms swinging her around and throwing her into the wall making her gasp. His grip was rougher than usual and he held her so hard into the wall that there was no escaping. She quickly opened her eyes leaning forward to see him staring at her as he slid his hand around her neck and pushed her back into the wall again.

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