The sound of shoes squeaking on the floor rang throughout the halls. He recalled the day that stain got on the wall; Chen had scared him, making him throw his food at the wall. He remembered how the 5th floor elevator button got broken; him, Chanyeol, and Sehun were trying to go to another dimension. He now looked into the room, where a choreographer was yelling out counts, where his ex-members were working hard.

When it appeared that they were taking a break, he knocked on the door lightly before opening it. He actually missed the days when he'd burst through the doors, brothers at his sides, laughing, smiling.

The eight heads of his members turned as he entered. Yixing, who, upon hearing the news, had his schedule in China cut short, paused, about to take a drink from his water bottle.

"baekhyun.." Minseok trailed off in awe.

Baekhyun supposed it's been far too long since they'd seen him there.

"when she wakes up, we will be one. if you'll have me."

     "i'm insanely nervous.. do you think they'll like me?"

     "pabo, of course they'll love you.. exo is something special. and even if there's people out there who don't like you, you have 11 best friends by your side who are looking out for you. if you want, make that 12." She pointed to herself and displayed a cheesy smile.

     "i know you're right," I smiled.

     "dongsaeng, it's time," Luhan hyung patted my shoulder and went to join the others as I kissed her goodbye.

     "dongsaeng, it's time," Yixing patted my shoulder and went to join the others.

     Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for another debut stage. I guess it was my third- EXO, CBX, and then now..

     This time she wasn't there for me, but I knew I was making her proud.

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