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Back then, when the two groups were still younger, they fought like their lives depended on it.

The Ruffs – and a Puff – would stealthily rob some banks and when they get bored, they cause havoc at nearby places just so the Puffs – and a Ruff – would fight them.

"Let me fight my counterpart, big bros!" insisted Buttercup, pumping her fist in the air.

Brick frowned looking at his little sister. "N.O."

"Duh. You're a girl, remember?" Boomer snorted as he pointed out the obvious reason.

She huffed. "I'm also a ruff, Boomie." And used her big brother's nickname sweetly with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Choose between Blossom and Bubbles. But we prefer you pick Bubbles." Said the redhead before flying up where they usually meet the 'good' group.

A pout formed on her lips. "Big bro Boomie?" Knowing the blonde ruff very well, he could not resist his younger sister. "Alright. I'll take Bubbles, Blossom's yours."

The green puff engulfed her big brother into a bear hug. "You're the best!" She cheered while he chuckled. They soon followed after their red leader.


"Bloss! Bubs! They're at it again!" A green ruff groaned while lying on the couch of the Utonium Household.

"Now, now Butch, you also go ahead and watch over your sisters." Professor walked in the living room and smiled at his son.

Butch smirked. "Of course, Dad. I was just calling–"

"Here!" Two girls, a red head and a blonde, simultaneously called once they landed in the room.

Blossom fixed her big red bow as she grinned. "I'm ready to rock!"

Bubbles giggled. "You already got big bro's words, Blossy."

"Alright, get going now you three." Their father nodded and watched his triplets fly off. The sky lit up with their colors: bubblegum pink, maya blue, and pine green.

He remembered how the three became superheroes. Professor and his wife expected children coming their lives – triplets to be exact. It just so happened that his wife accidentally drank chemical X, mistaking it as coke or something like a soft drink.

"Oh, how I panicked that my wife would die right there and then." Laughing softly, his charcoal black eyes gazed upon their last family picture. "Thank you for giving me wonderful kids, my love."


"Why won't you guys stop?" Blossom said annoyed, putting one hand on her hips. She looked at the 'bad' trio in front of them.

Buttercup smirked. "Because we don't want to, smarty." She retorted with her playful emerald eyes rolling.

"Besides, no one wins in our battle." Boomer shrugged as he styled his blonde locks the way he liked it, cut in half and combed sideways.

Bubbles nodded in agreement while giggling softly. She always had a small crush on Boomer and even agreed with some of his stupid remarks.

Brick snickered. "No fun in just stealing." He moved his cap around so its bill would be covering his long ginger hair, instead of his mischievous crimson eyes.

The raven haired boy frowned. "Fine, we'll give you what you want." He looked over his sisters.

Bubbles just nodded while Blossom rolled her eyes. "Let's get this over with."

The two groups positioned themselves and chorused in lunging to attack one another–

But that was all in the past now. Brick had a job and Boomer was applying for one. Buttercup, being the youngest, just started college. Though, sadly, they were to move out... again.

"We're NOT going back." Buttercup emphasized as she crossed her arms over her chest.

She had grown well for the past years. Her short messy black hair was gone and replaced by mid-back length beach waves that was dyed mint green halfway to the ends. Since she usually work out with her big brothers, her body earned perfect curves and some muscles, even abs on her stomach part. Gladly, her emerald green eyes stayed mischievous and mysterious.

Brick frowned. "We ARE. It's been, what, 6 or 7 years. They wouldn't even remember us now."

"Just don't do anything ruff." Reminded Boomer when he came downstairs bringing brown suitcases.

Buttercup had enough of what was happening in their lives. "Are we running away again?" Her last word echoed in the room as if something passed by, making the two lads silent. Her gaze turned away from them. "I see. I'll just go see my room for the last time." She started jogging up the stairs. "Oh and big bro Brick? Your job." The ravenette knew better than to argue when moving out, her big brothers already pin-pointed all the cause and effects. Besides, maybe if we came back, they wouldn't suspect a thing, she thought to herself.

Brick almost slapped his forehead. "I forgot that matter. Thanks BC!" He called then nodded at Boomer.

Their blonde cook-in-training replied. "Be back before supper."

"Thanks Boom." The red leader ran his fingers through his short messy ginger hair. "Oh and be mindful of your hair, it looks exactly the same as before."

Brick had grown to be a handsome young man but with glasses – black-framed, with fire designs at the sides, rectangular glasses. His eyes slowly blurred through the past years, ever since he worked as an IT Engineer. Luckily, his crimson red eyes did not fade and he also had muscles and abs.

Hearing the door open and close, with some car keys jiggling in the background, Boomer knew Brick already went off without his response.

A sigh left his lips. Boomer always loved the way his blonde locks were cut half in the middle and combed sideways. "I guess it was time. This is probably the reason they found us before." He muttered.

Just like his older brother, he had muscles and abs. Although, surprisingly, he was two or so inches taller than Brick. Apparently, nothing much changed with how he appeared. While cooking, he decided to let his younger sister style his hair from now on. "Better be cautious than dead..." He sighed once again as his pair of navy blue eyes looked over the food he was cooking.

Author's Note

I'm back in writing fanfictions!!! Well, my fandom, but still~ Anyways, I'd like to thank two authors who inspired me to write and where I got some ideas for this story that came from their stories. MaryJoeycoco and LanonaWalker Thanks again and well, hope you liked the first update!

P.S. Please bare with the cover! I made it... >///<)v

P.P.S. I would say PPGZ, the anime version, but they have secret identitiesthere so no. Oh, and imagine them as a person, you know, with fingers and allthat. >v< 


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