Chapter 3: The Newlywed's Way of Life

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Yui stepped inside her husband's apartment for the first time. They had got back from the honeymoon and went straight to his place. He unlocked the door and let Yui enter the door first.

"Whoa!! It's huge!" she was amazed as soon as she stepped inside her new home.

Ichi was behind her taking care of the suitcases when he replied, "Of course, this is the suite apartment room."

"Not the apartment, Ichi-kun." Yui hissed. "But that!" Yui pointed to the wall on the main living room. There was a huge frame with their photo from the wedding day. They both looked stunning though. The photo was somewhat a perfect shot.

"Momm..." Ichi sighed. "She always does cheesy things like that." he walked inside, Yui followed him while looking around the apartment.

"Over there is my bedroom." Ichi pointed. "You can put your clothes and else on my room."

"What?! We're sharing a room?" Yui was surprised.

"Of course not! Don't worry!" he instantly replied. "You can sleep at the other room there." Ichi pointed to the opposite direction from his bedroom.

Yui stared at him with a puzzled look. Ichi understood that look as, 'Give me an explanation'.

"Okay, here's the thing." He sighed. "If my Mom comes for a visit and finds your things inside that room..." he point to the other room. "... she will get suspicious. So just store everything on my room, and use that room only when you sleep." Ichi explained.

Yui pouted, "So troublesome. So you don't mind me going in and out your bedroom when I need something?"

"I have no other choice..." he shrugged and then continued talking, "That door next to my bedroom is the door to my library. That's off limit. Don't step inside no matter what!"

"Okay. Okay." Yui rolled eyes. "Like I want to.."

"I go to work at 7 in the morning and usually got home at 7 or 8 at night. After that I spent my time on the library or watching the tv if there's a detective drama or sport match showing." he continued. "I always eat outside so I never touched the kitchen. But if you like homemade food, feel free to use it."

Yui just stared at him blankly with a slightly opened mouth without saying anything.

"Why are you spacing out?" he waved his hand in front of her face.

"Ah no... I think it's the first time I hear you speak so many words." Yui shook her head in awe.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He crossed his arms and looked pissed.

"Haha, nothing." Yui chuckled. "Okay, what's next?"

"I guess that's all." he shrugged and walked inside to his bedroom.

"Huft.. I guess from today I have to get myself used to the life I'll have here... Ganbatte, Yui!" she gave herself a support and hoped everything would be just fine.

Monday morning.

Yui was sitting on the dining table having her breakfast. She cooked something for her breakfast and also made a bento for her lunch, only. She only cooked for herself since she thought her cold husband obviously didn't want to eat her cooking.

Just then, Ichi came out from his bedroom and walked towards her. He was wearing his formal working attire. A white shirt with a black necktie and a trouser. He held his bag and his jacket suit on his left hand and his smartphone on the right.

Yui saw him in that style and was a bit stunned. After few days of seeing him in casual outfit, now to see him in his working suit, he looked cool to her eyes.

Yui shook her head, "What the hell?! Why am I stunned by that rotten otaku?! Don't ever fall for him, Yui, or you'll be suffering."

Ichi glanced at her for a second and continued to walk to the fridge at the kitchen. He put his phone inside his trousers' pocket and opened the fridge to take a box of milk.

"What is she thinking in the morning?" he wondered, because he saw Yui shook her head excessively just before.

He took the milk with him and walked pass her again, heading to the front door.

"Do you want to have breakfast with me?" Yui offered him. She wasn't seriously asking though, she just did it as a courtesy of a roommate.

"Of course not." Ichi answered with a flat and cold tone of voice without even stopped his steps or looking back to her.

"I knew it!" Yui's face was twitching because of irritation she felt. "How could I think he was cool just before?! Stupid me."

Yui heard the sound of the door opened and closed again. He must had left the apartment for work.

Yui was pissed. "How could a Head Director of such a big corporation doesn't even know any manners? He should've said he was leaving or something. Am I a statue?"

She stood up and brought her plate to the sink and washed it while cursing him. "Jerk." she murmured softly.

"Who? Me?" suddenly Ichi's voice was heard right behind her back.

Yui was shocked and almost jumped. She turned around and saw him standing right behind her with his usual flat expression.

"W.. wh.. why are you still here??!" She shouted. Her heart was beating like crazy. She had just been found out badmouthing him behind his back.

"I forgot to give you this." He lifted up his hand and showed her a car key clinging to his finger. "Wedding gift from my Dad."

"Wh.. what's that?!" Yui wasn't recovered from her shock yet.

"Car key, you stupid." Ichi looked irritated. "It's a silver Audi S3. You can find it at the basement VIP parking lot."

"Eh?!" Yui squeaked as she got a grasp of what was happening. Ichi put the car key on her hand.

"Don't tell me you don't have a license." he turned around and started to walk to the front door again.

"I have... but why did your Dad gave me such an expensive car?" Yui looked puzzled.

He stopped walking and turned his head, "Because you're my wife. I'm off to work." He waved and walked away.

Yui stared blankly at the car key on her hand, "What's this? I should be happy to be given such a gift, shouldn’t I? But why I feel like something is wrong."

Yui sighed. She made up her mind and walked to Ichi's bedroom. She opened her drawer and put the car key inside. "I can't just take this gift now. I'm... not his wife..."

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