Prank the Prussia

71 4 17

Admin: hey Brazil!!! You got a dare and it's funny as hell! Go meet up with @ShadowConquest !!

Brazil: *meets up with @ShadowConquest * hey chica, so what's the dare??

ShadowConquest: we are gonna prank Prussia.*holds up sleeping powder* we pour this in his drink and dress him I'm like Fem! Prussia and send him to the world meeting like that and have him flirt with Austria.

Brazil:...YOU ARE AN EVIL GENIUS!! I LOVE YOU!! *glomps* LETS DO IT!!!

~~time skip of evil laughs. Mwahahahaha!!!! ~~

Prussia: So zhe awesome me zhinks zhat jou like mein bruder Brazil. Be back. *gets up to leave*

Brazil: *pours sleeping powder into his beer* haha, this is soo worth it.

Prussia: Zhe awesome me iz back! *drinks beer then feels sleepy*...*falls asleep at the bar*...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...

Brazil: phase 1...DONE! *does America's Hero pose* ah shit! I gotta drag him out now. Ugh! Hey ShadowConquest, help me out!

~~ time skip of random magical sparkly floaty shit...NO NOT THE GLITTER!!! *runs away* ~~

ShadowConquest and Brazil: *dresses Prussia up like Fem! Prussia* to the world meeting!

~~ I'm lazy, deal with it ~~

Brazil and ShadowConquest:*tries to hold in laughter at the meeting*

Prussia: *walks into the world meeting and sees people looking at me funny* VHAT? *sees Austria and grins. Walks up to Austria and sits on his lap* So...zhe awesome Prussia zhinks zhat ve should ditch vhis meeting und go elsewhere for fun, Ja?

Austria:...*sweat drops*...

Prussia: *pokes Austria's cheek* hallo Austria, vake up! *grabs Austria and drags him out of the room with a pervy grin on his face*

Brazil and ShadowConquest: *bust out laughing* BEST DARE EVER!!!


Admin: *cant speak, laughing too much.*

Brazil: @ShadowConquest ...I GOT IT ON TAPE!!! XD *Laughs* FEEL FREE TO SHOOT A DARE AT ME OR ASK ME A QUESTION!! Bye!!! *falls over laughing watching the video again*

Ask or Dare: 1p &2p N. Brazil, Mayan Empire, and the Silva SistersWhere stories live. Discover now