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Admin: Brazil, you got another dare from one of my 37 cousins.

Brazil: dear lord admin! So far I've got a question from Maria and a dare from hell from your eldest cousin Rico. Who is it this time?

Admin: My 16-year old cousin Rosa. Here is what she said.

Dear Lady Brazil,

I dare you to go on a date with Denmark! And you have to wear what's in the package that my big cousin aka Admin is holding! HAVE FUN!!



Admin: *opens the package and blushes*...*starts to laugh*...Rosa!! THIS IS WHY I LOVE TEAMING UP WITH YOU WHEN IT COMES TO PRANKING PEOPLE OR PULLING CRAZY DARES!!!

Brazil: SHUT UP ADMIN!! *takes the package and looks at the contents*....ROSA!!!! YOU'RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE WHEN I FINISH THIS DARE!!!!!

Admin: Dear Readers, if you're wondering what the hell Rosa is making Brazil wear on the dare date, let me explain. Panties with Denmark's flag on them, a Black and Red Plaid school girl Miniskirt, black ballet flats, torn black sleeves and a black corset top. DAMN ROSA! YOU WENT ALL OUT ON THIS!!

~~time skip cause Brazil is getting ready~~

Admin: *drags in Denmark by his tie* come on Denny!! You have a date with Brazil! Have fun at the nightclubs!!

Denmark: *pulls tie away* Jeez. Admin, I get the feeling that you guys can't get enough of the King of the Nordics.

Brazil: *walks out of her room wearing what she was given but instead of the flats, she's wearing Black combat boots*...Hey Denmark. Let's go clubbing.

Denmark: *grins* RIGHT BEHIND YA BRAZIL!! *grabs Brazil and they leave*

Admin:...this is going to be hysterical!!! *falls over laughing* Feel free to ASK BRAZIL A QUESTION OR SHOOT HER A DARE!! Bye and thanks for reading!!

Ask or Dare: 1p &2p N. Brazil, Mayan Empire, and the Silva SistersWhere stories live. Discover now