2p-N. Brazil

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Me: oh Noraaa!!!!~ there's a question for youu!!~

Nora: *glares, takes a drag from my cigarette and throws a blade at admin* Shut the hell up! Jeez. You get so excited over things like this, so easily. *rolls eyes*

Me: *catches blade* Oh, quit being an ass and listen. This is from my fellow Doitsu Fangirl Sister/ RP buddy/ lots of stuff: CHLOE!!! :3 🇩🇪

Nora:...I'm listening. (👈 likes hanging out with Chloe)

So Nora, what do you do to prisoners that you capture? - Chloe_Beilschmidt16

Nora: *smirks*


Nora: I usually take them to my basement and chain them up to the lap table. Then after that, I torture them. And if I see that I have no further use of them, I kill them. But honestly, what I love doing to them is dissecting them alive. *smirks*

Ask or Dare: 1p &2p N. Brazil, Mayan Empire, and the Silva SistersWhere stories live. Discover now