2p-N. Brazil & the scones

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Admin's Roommate: well, since the admin is in the hospital sick. I'm only doing this thing once. After that, I hope the admin gets better so she can continue this. So..umm...2p-N. Brazil, you have a dare and a question.

2p-N. Brazil:... *glares at the roommate*...*pulls out 2 daggers and throws them at the temp admin*....tch.

Admin's roommate: AAHHH!!! *ducks* anyways, here it is

What do you think of Britian. And I dare you to eat one of Britian's scones

2p-N. Brazil:...Britian is an annoying weakling. He is easy to trample and to be honest, he is a horrible cook. He acts all high and mighty but anyone can easily see through that facade. If you were to compare him to me, you could tell I have bigger balls than him, AND I'M A WOMAN!! As for those scones... Hell no! *puts pistol barrel in my mouth*

Mayan Empire: *pulls the gun away, punches Nora and shoves a scone in her mouth* eat.

2p-N. Brazil:...*eats*...yuck! *runs off to go vomit*

Ask or Dare: 1p &2p N. Brazil, Mayan Empire, and the Silva SistersWhere stories live. Discover now