Heated Conversations

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This is my first fanfiction. I'm obsessed with Dom and Letty, so of course I had to wright about them. Please read and leave a review. Since this is my first fanfiction I probably screwed up a bit, so please tell me if I did anything wrong. I love criticism!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters just the plot.

Vince's POV:

BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! That's all we've been hearing for the last twenty minutes. Letty and Dom have gotten into yet another argument, and their timing is horrible. Hector and his boys arrived a few minutes before the bombshell to talk with Dom about some business, and of course they brought along some racer chasers with them. Now everybody in L.A will know about Dom and Letty's argument before the day is even over. Now we're all settled in the living room sitting in awkward silence listening to WWIII.

Letty's POV:

"Dominic you fucking scumbag. How could you?" I screamed furiously.

"For the last time Letty nothing happened." He said back with irritation coating his voice.

"You're such a liar. I saw you flirting with that skank all night, and now people are telling me that they saw you leaving Travis's bedroom with her."

"So your going to take their word over mine. Why don't you ever trust me?"

"Maybe I'd trust you if you weren't constantly flirting with hoes."

"Damn Letty why does that even matter? You know that your the only one I want."

"Do I really? Because I always feel like you want me, but you still want to have your side hoes as well."

"Letty get your head out of your ass. You know that I haven't done shit wrong." he says exasperatedly.

It pisses me off that he's still trying to claim his innocence instead of just coming clean. And on top of that he's acting like I should just blindly trust him despite all the crap he does. I mean he can't go a week without flirting with some girl, and he acts as if it doesn't matter. Doesn't he realize that it's killing me. I feel a wave of hatred wash over me as I pick up the glass angel of of the dresser and throw it at Dom. It crashes into his left hand leaving cuts along his palm before it shatters to the floor.

"Aww! Are you fucking crazy?" he looks at me like I've grown two heads, but I could care less.

I slap my hand across his face, and start to punch and kick at him all the while screaming curses and threats at him. He pulls my hand back trying to dodge my throws and then slings me onto the bed. My head crashes into the headboard, and my face scrunches up in anguish. A look of concern crosses Dom's face but is quickly swept away as his face falls into another scowl. He throws open the door and storms down the stairs. Oh he doesn't think this is over does he? I quickly get off the bed and head down the stairs after him.

Mia's POV:

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and assume it's Dom's by the sound of them. He appears a few seconds later trailed by Letty. He makes a move to reach for the door handle, but Letty quickly grabs his arm pulling him back.

"You don't think this is over do you?" She screams at him with fire in her eyes. I notice the people around me taking in the scene. Vince, Leon, and Jessie looked a little concerned for the both of them. Hector and his boys looked scared as if they were involved in the argument. Those skanks look like their truly enjoying the show. They keep whispering among one another smiling. They probably think that Dom's about to be on the market again. Little do they know that Dom and Letty always fight, but they always make up.

"Letty I'm not in the mood for this shit I need to leave before I do something I regret." he says in what I assume is his 'calm' voice.

"No Dom. Your going to grow some fucking balls, and admit what you did and give me a genuine apology. Then I'll think about forgiving your sorry ass."

At this statement my brother looks outraged. He throws his hands up exasperatedly revealing an injured hand. Maybe that's where the crashing sound came from.

"Letty would you please get it through your thick ass skull that I'm completely innocent."

"Wow Dom really, completely innocent?" she chuckles, "You know you're a bastard."

"And you're a bitch," he replies coldly.

"Letty no!"

The words barely get out of Jessie's mouth before she grabs a nearby lamp and throws it at an unaware Dom. He barely has time to duck before the lamp shatters right where his head was one second earlier.

"You psychotic ass bitch. Are you insane that could've knocked me out cold," he yells trying to steady his breathing.

"That was kinda the point," she replies back sassily.

Dom reaches down for one of the glass shards before standing. Vince, Leon, and Jesse are immediately out of their seats stepping between the two lovers.

"Dom man just go for a drive and chill," Leon says never taking his eyes off the sharp glass in Dom's hands. Dom just chuckles.

"Relax I'm not going to hurt her," he says, but I feel like he's hiding something. I'm distracted again by Letty's voice.

"You gonna cut me Dom. Come on come at me." she says with her hands balled into fist. Dom just exits the house. Still looking pissed and sneaky as ever. Letty returns upstairs muttering something about finding her keys.
How was it?
Should I continue?
Please review!!!

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