Outsider Thoughts

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Disclaimer: I don't own the fast and the furious (sadly).
Dom's POV:

I head outside with the glass shard in my right hand. How could they think that I would stab Letty. I'm not mad enough to physically hurt her, but emotionally yes. I know something that'll have her regretting the shit she's done to me today. I walk over to her car and start slitting her tires one by one. It takes a few minutes, but once I'm done I get in my car and drive off.

Letty's POV:

I finally find my keys tangled in the sheets. I quickly grab them and go eager to get behind the wheels of my Nissan. I leave the house without saying bye and head towards my car. I don't even notice that somethings wrong until I'm unlocking my doors. I look down and see that my tire has been slashed. I walk around my car to discover that all of my tires have been slashed. Sticking out of my last tire is the same glass shard that Dom had earlier. That motherfucker.

"You son of a bitch," I scream loud enough to alert the entire neighborhood.

Hector's POV:

I tilt my head up when I hear Letty scream from outside. Moments later she burst through the front door.

"Letty wha-" Mia's concerns are cut off as Letty storms up the stairs.

The next thing we hear is loud crashes coming from upstairs. And then there's clothes tumbling down the stairs. One look at them, and I can tell that there Dom's clothes. Damn what the fuck did he do to make this chica go all loco. I've known Letty for a while now, and I don't think she's ever been like this unless she was fighting some girl.

She appears again coming down the stairs. She starts kicking and pushing his clothes all down the stairs. Mia gets up and tries to calm her down.

"Let what's going on I thought you were going for a drive?"she ask timidly.

"I was," she replies back with steam practically rising from her head, "but your idiot brother decided to slash my tires, so I'm stranded."

Damn. These two are both crazy. I don't know how this house is still standing with these two living in it. Beside me Johan chuckles. Letty looks over at him.

"You think that's funny Johan? Maybe I should go slash your tires, and see how funny you think that is." she remarks completely serious. I quickly get up before Johan says anything stupid.

"Um... we're actually gonna head out now," I say nervously, "just let Dom know that I need to speak to him about some important stuff."

With that said I gesture for my crew to get up. We all exit the house, but one of the chicks decide to mutter something about Letty. I quickly push her out the door and wave bye before Letty beats her ass. As we get in the car everybody starts joking about what just went down.

"Damn that bitch is crazy,"

"Naw he shouldn't have fucked with her car,"

"Dommy deserves so much better,"

"I guess he's finally realized that he can do so much better than that lesbo,"

"They honestly both loco,"

"I think we just witnessed the King and Queen break up,"

My crew and the girls went on talking about this for a while. They were saying stuff about Dom and Letty breaking up, but I knew better. I've known Dom since middle school, and I know that he wouldn't have stuck with the same chick for so long if he didn't really like her. Anyone can see that Letty and Dom are like family. If anyone can work things out they can. So I just keep driving, and try to change the subject. I gotta think of a way to fix my own problems since Dom's apparently busy.
Remember to comment something. I just want to know if you guys like it. If not just tell me, and I can try writing something else.

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