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Dom's POV:

I cut the alarm off before it wakes Letty. She's knocked out beside me, and it's probably best to keep it that way. I go ahead and get dressed because I have to run to the store to pick up some parts.

Surprisingly Vince is up too. Unsurprisingly he's in the kitchen.

"Where you going?"

"To Harry's. You comin?"

He grabs his sandwich and follows me out. The car ride is mostly silent. We just chill and listen to the radio. It's too early for talking.

We go in and get what we need and get to the checkout line. We're standing in the checkout line when my friend Travis comes up behind us.

"Hey boys what up?"

"Nothing much," Vince says. I just nod my head in greeting.

"Y'all good," his eyes drift down to my hand that's still covered in cuts from last night.

"Yeah we all good bruh." Vince answers for the both of us.

"Oh okay that's great. Umm...I'm sorry about the uh...breakup." He says scratching the back of his head uncomfortably and turning towards me.

"What!" I almost drop my credit card as I try handing it to the cashier. "Nah Travis I don't know what you heard, but I ain't broke up with nobody."

"I don't know what you heard Travis or where you heard it from, but our family is all good. You know you can't pay them rumors no attention dog." Vince says with a chuckle. 

Travis look mad uncomfortable. I just get my bags and tell him I'll see him later. I was hoping news of last night wouldn't spread that fast cause there's a race tonight, and if those girls think I'm single the definitely gonna try something.

Once we in the car I feel Vince looking at me. "What?"

"You meant what you said right. You and Letty all good?"

"Yeah we talked shit out. I was just hoping that our fight could've stayed between us cause we don't need no outside meddling."

"That ain't nobody fault but y'alls. Y'all motherfuckers we're screaming like nobody else was in LA."

"Damn that means them chasers gonna talk about this shit at the races tonight. And word gonna get back to Jenni. I don't need all this happening."

"Why the fuck you care what gets back to Jenni Tran?" Vince looked like he was ready to slap me.

"Nah not like that. I just don't want her trying to start nothing with Letty. That would be more simpler if she didn't know she already came close to fucking me and Letty over." I say rubbing a hand down my face.

"Nah that's all you brother. You shouldn't have even been hanging with her. You know how she is."

He right. I brought this on myself.

"Look Dom I've known you for a long time, so I know you dumb as fuck. Just try and be a little bit smarter next time when you try and be friendly with sneaky hoes."

"Next time! There ain't gonna be no next time." I say and I'm for real.

"Let's hope not cause that crazy ass girl is my little sister Dom. You weren't here when she was crying in the room. That shit hurt me looking at it. Don't do that again."

I lower my head in shame and promise Vince I won't. I can't decide whether or not he believed me. I guess tonight is gonna be my first test.
I know this took a LONG time to update. But I didn't really think anyone was paying it any attention. Then about two or three hours ago I got a notification from someone telling me to update. It literally made me soooo happy. Once I clicked on the notification I saw that a couple more people had supported my story as well and I just hadn't noticed. So thank you so much for helping me continue with this. Next chapter I want to introduce Johnny and Jenni Tran, but I haven't figured out how I'm going to do it yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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