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Dom's POV:

I've been driving around for a few hours now thinking about all that's went down today. Letty's mad at me again, and I'm honestly getting tired of this shit.

Why can't she get the fact that I want her. I know I may occasionally flirt with other girls, but me and Letty have been with each other for two years now, and I have never been unfaithful to her.

This all started when I began working with Johnny Tran. He's trying to get more involved in the street racing scene, so he called me up a few weeks ago and asked for some help in making his car go pro. I don't really know the guy that well, but he was offering a lot of money, so I took the job. Everything was going alright at first, but then his sister started coming around. I knew Jenny Tran from high school. Her family moved up here my senior year. She was the new it girl the second she transferred. With me being the it guy it was expected for us to hookup sooner or later. It didn't take long. I messed around with her a few times, but nothing ever serous. I haven't even really spoke with the girl since I graduated.

Now that word got out that I'm working with Johnny Tran people automatically starting assuming that I'm messing with Jenny too.

Jenny came up to me at Travis's party last Friday, but all we did was drink a little and flirt. I went upstairs to use the bathroom, and she followed me up thinking we could do something more. I kindly told her that I had to go home, but she thought I was playing hard to get. I turned to go down the stairs and she kissed the side of my lip. I left hoping that nobody saw, but apparently someone did. By the next day everybody was saying that I slept with Jenny Tran.

Now Letty is throwing a fucking tantrum because of rumors that I told her weren't true. Why can't she ever just believe me?

I take a deep breathe and glance at the clock. Dang it's late! I should probably get back home before I get accused of cheating again.
About twenty minutes later I pull up in the driveway. I get out the car and stumble inside. I guess everybody's already in bed because it's quieter in here then it is outside. I just hope Letty's asleep I don't feel like fighting anymore. I walk upstairs to my room and cautiously open the door.

Letty is curled into a ball on the right side of the bed. Her hair is spread out across the pillow, and her eyes are red and puffy. I suddenly feel horrible. I hate it when Letty cries especially when it's because of me.

I quietly sit beside her on the bed and kiss her neck. She moves beneath me and groans sleepily. I continue to kiss her neck until she lazily opens her eyes. For a split second she actually looks pleased to see me, but then she turns away.

"Letty baby can we please talk?"

"I think we've talked enough Dominic."

"I mean really talk not just scream at each other." I say grimacing at the use of my real name.

She turns around and looks at me expectingly. Clearly I'm going to have to start this.

"When I went to Travis's party I saw Jenny and we talked a bit, but nothing happened I swear Letty."

She continues looking at me blankly not revealing anything, so I continue.

"Before I left I went upstairs to use the bathroom, and Jenny followed me up. I didn't even know she was there until I came out. I was leaving and she kissed the side of my mouth, but I swear I told her no baby."

"Why were you even with her Dom? You know she likes you."

"Letty everyone knows that we're together, so I didn't think she would try anything."

"You think that means shit to any of these skanks? They don't care that we're together Dom. And you just keep encouraging them every time you flirt with them."

"I'm not trying to lead them on Letty. I just don't want to come across as an asshole."

"So you'd rather let me come across as a controlling bitch." She says finally sitting up.

"Letty I just want this to stop. I'm tired of the constant arguing."

"Are you trying to break up with me?"

"No!" I say quickly. "I want to be with you Letty, but I'm tired of feeling like we're fighting a war just to stay together."

"I can see where you're coming from-"

"Wait did you just agree with me?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Don't get used to it," she says with a smirk, "Anyways I think we should establish some ground rules Dom."

"Like what?" I ask warily.

"For starters stop the fucking flirting and I'll try to trust you more."

"Letty what do you define as flirting?"

"You can talk to other girls, but no more touching them or letting them touch you. And when they start blatantly flirting with you please remind them that you have a girlfriend before I do it myself."

"I'm going to try Letty I swear, but I can't promise to be perfect." I say as I caress her hair.

"No one is perfect Dom I just want to stop feeling like I'm second best."

"Your never second best baby I promise." I say and kiss her softly on the lips.

She smiles and tugs me down on top of her.
I'm debating on whether I should keep this pg and skip the sex scene or write it. So...If you have suggestions let me know.

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