Part Nine

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The school bells rang, announcing to the students still milling about that class was about to start. 

The halls still buzzed, a Strength Super holding a little low-level Quickster up against the locker. A shoulder bumped into the jock, knocking him to the side enough for the Quickster to speed off. The jock stumbled and curse, looking around to see who had interrupted him. 

Out of the Supers, Strengths were one of the most accepted. They could play sports, do hard labor with ease, and most importantly-they were the most easily feared. Of course, the normal people feared all Supers, but something about the visibility of the ones with Strength that made it that much more real to the ones without. 

Powers weren't really rare, though some were more common than others. Speed, strength, and controlling plants seemed to be more prominent than any others. Of nature powers fire was the rarest, however water and lightning were up there too. If you had a more natural power it tended to be in plants or rocks, or in those that could make a small storm cloud or make the wind go just a little faster. 

Death powers were some of the rarest, those that could speak with the dead, or even control them. Charmers were fairly common, usually very slight power and could only ever convince someone to maybe buy something they didn't need. They tend to work in sales. Telepathy and telekinesis were fairly known and not to looked down upon. 

Normal people saw these people as frightening, scary and intimidating. What they didn't grasp was the fact that these people with powers, quite frequently didn't have much of that power. A Water Wielder could maybe use a source of water to put out a small bonfire, Fire Users could summon enough flame to start a fireplace, those with Death in their blood could see ghosts or hear Death around them and not do a thing to stop it. They didn't get that. 

Nor did they get that the more power granted to someone, the more trails they went through. 

The halls streamed with kids, some with bright silver badges on their chests, others without. A blonde girl, no badge in sight, weaved her way through the crowd. Her head was ducked down and a grey sweater covered her hands, almost the same color as her eyes. Books were stacked in her arms, even more in her bag. 

Another blonde, a guy this time, no badge as well was walking just behind her. Trying to get the guts up enough to ask her to help him study, he had a test third period and needed as much help as he could get. His bright blue eyes darted around, hands clenched at his sides. 

At the side of the hall, a boy in a blue hoodie shut his locker and started down the hall. His chin was up, a bored look to his face, he slipped around the others fluidly and with ease. He had a class to go to, and ignore the teacher in. 

Further into the school, a girl rubbed at her tired eyes and yawned. Her curls were lose around her head, falling just to her back. She had been up most of the night, and knew tonight would be similar. Beside her was a taller boy, his baby face concerned as he talked to his long time best friend. He was tired too, also having been up most of the night, but he wasn't worried about that as much as he was about his friend. 

A Hispanic boy raced down the hall, chuckling with a wicked grin on his face. On his tail was a group of jocks that he had managed to work into a frenzy. As it was every morning. But once he turned the corner and launched into the woodshop classroom, he was safe. 

As the boy had ran down the hall, he almost ran into another guy. This boy with longer black hair and bags underneath his eyes. He rolled his dark eyes as the Hispanic boy ran past him, before ducking inside his first class of the day. 

Inside that classroom was another boy, his bright golden curls falling in front of his blue eyes. He scribbled down notes for the class, ones he hadn't finished for the note check today. Hi]e bit his lips as he rubbed the eraser against the paper, almost tearing the piece in half. 

A girl sat down in her class, the boy in the hoodie three seats behind her and one to the right. She had braids with feathers tied to the end, and had on a grey sweatshirt and ripped up jeans. She pored over the text book in front of her, trying to make scenes of the weird symbols and words. 

Today was like every other day, but it wasn't. 

None of these kids knew that the others had resolved themselves to the facts last night. 

None of them knew that fate was working on weaving them together. 

All they knew, was what they set out to do. 

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