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John walked down the sidewalk, alongside of Peggy. They talked about plans and different things they should do over the winter break. Christmas had passed and they were in the late days of December. John wore a furry parka and boots, while Peggy wore a heavy, puffy, winter coat. Their feet left small prints in the snowy side walk.

"Any plans for New Years?" John said turning to look at her.

"Actually! Now that you mention it, would you and Thomas like to come to our annual Schuyler New Years bash!" She she chirped.

"That's a mouthful!" He laughed.


"Wait annual? When have you ever had one before??" He said smiling.

"Well it's more of a like first timer thing, and I think it would be so cool! I'm even inviting king George!!"

"Please don't call him king, he's a douche."  John Replied.

"Yea, ok." Peggy laughed and nodded.

"And yes, I think we would like to come."

"Wonderful!" Peggy yipped.

"I'll send you the info and you can pass it on to T.J." She added.

"Sounds good!" He grinned.

John marked his calendar for the first of January. He was excited as was Jefferson, they both knew the Schuyler's could throw a mean party. Peggy's last birthday Laf ended up so mad, he almost threw poor Samuel Seabury out the widow because he insisted that goldfish where a better snack then Cheez-its. There was also the time Alex chugged a 3/4 of the way full fireball bottle, and ended up laying in a ball on the ground crying for 2 and a half hours, then ending in John having to take him home. Good memories John cherished.
The day finally came, Laurens was practically waiting by the clock for the time to strike 7pm. He was only a bit sad when Thomas had to bail due to work, and the time schedule not working out. John was still ok with it, since all his friends would be there too. That also meant...Alex. They hadn't talked much after he visited a couple weeks previous to the present day. Not that they talked much before that even, but they seemed to talk even less. John was kinda sad that they grew so apart. They had a really close, functioning, perfect friendship. He was hoping they maybe would work it out at the party, enjoy each other's presence and really grow close again, seal up the bond. Now and then he would even look through their Instagram pictures, and all the polaroids they took a couple years ago when Alex had a photography phase. He did admit he missed Alexander, he wouldn't lie to himself, but he wasn't giving up on their friendship, not yet. When the clock finally struck 7, John had actually fallen asleep waiting for the party time to begin. Good thing 7 was the earliest he could be there, and when Peggy said he could help set up. John woke at around 8:05, the first thing he did was check the time. Perfect. The party started at 8:30, and he would be just on time. He quickly took a shower and changed into a black T-shirt with jeans, and converse. Perfect. He dried his curly wet hair out, a mistake he had made before. His hair frizzed higher then it normally did when it sat in his shoulders. He put it up, getting it out of the way, and making the volume decrease. He got in his awful car and headed toward the Schuyler's.
When he got there it was 8:35, exactly. People would just be showing up then, he was on time. Lafayette and Hercules where already there and eating as much food from the snack bar as they could. The Schuyler's owned a huge house, perfect for parties. The three sisters lived in the same house, passed down from their parents. Peggy told John how she had plans to move out and get her own apartment like John, but she was "to young" according to her oldest sister Angelica, Peggy always told John that soon she'd be free from the house and she could be her own independent woman. Conversations like that make Laurens laugh, he loved Peggy's outgoing attitude, and crazy thoughts.

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