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The painful impact of my forehead slamming into the tabletop jolted me form my sleeping state. Grunting, I reached out to my keyboard to pause the bass thundering through the speakers.

The clock hoisted up on the wall read 23:46, leading me calculate I had been in this clammy studio for over eight hours, yet the song I was working on was far from complete.

As I got up form my seat and stretched, my muscles rejoiced that I was finally moving them after the several hours of mindlessly and hopelessly toying around with beats for the song. I shrugged on my coat as I grabbed my bag and hustled out of the studio, locking the door behind me.

The reflection of the thriving city lights scattered across the black surface of the river resembled dazzling constellations as they tumbled in their positions, courtesy of the teeth-clattering cold wind which swept through the darkness of the night.

Nothing but the looming streetlights, the sound of gravel shifting beneath my feet and the worrisome thoughts sprinting in my mind kept me company, which is probably why a very reckless idea lit up in my brain.

Had Candace and Monica been there and heard said reckless idea, they would of course voice out the sheer stupidity of it, just like that little voice at the back of my head.

However, neither of them were with me, and it was all too easy to ignore that little voice threateningly listing all the issues concerning my idea as I pulled out my phone.


[Yoongi's POV]

"Didn't you just say that the producers in your company already produced the song for you?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah, t-they did," I heard the uncertainty in Luna's voice on the other end of the line.

"But you didn't like it...?" I hinted.

"It's not that!" she hastily assured, "Its just that, they kept trying the make it into a hit pop song; catchy chorus, loud bass, cheery tune and all.
But that song has a lot more value to me than something I would like to be played at clubs and parties, you know?"

I hummed in understanding.

"So I even tried tweaking it on my own, but eventually it all just sounded the same in my head; it just didn't sound right no matter what I added or took away. I had basically given up on the song, but I decided to give it one last shot when I contacted you. If you can't fix it; no one can," frustration clouded Luna's voice as she spoke.

"Speaking of which, how did you get my contact?" I teased in an attempt to lighten up her mood.

"Oh, Tae Tae and I exchanged our personal Instagram accounts' usernames at the fansign when he found out I also love retro photography, so that he could show me all the pictures he's taken. I dm-ed him asking for your number," she answered.

I majored in photography, yet Taehyung is the one she decides to keep in contact with because of 'retro' photography, I scoffed as I tried ignored the pang in my chest that may or may not have appeared there when I heard her call him 'Tae Tae'.

I pursued my lips as I pondered on what to say next. The feeling of irritation when a song doesn't turn out well was exceptionally familiar to me, and I knew an encouraging pat on the back wouldn't be enough to ease her mind.

"I guess we'll just have to start from scratch, then," I said matter-of-factly.

"Wait, 'we'? Does this mean you'll help me?" The excitement in Luna's voice made a grin blossom on my face.

"Yes; I'll help you," I chuckled reassuringly.

A relieved sigh could be heard from the other end of the line before she launched into fervently thanking me.

"-on one condition;" A smirk found its way into my face as I cut her off.

"Come to Seoul."

"I-I... I can't just 'come to Seoul'!" she fumbled over her words.

"Why not?" The subtle challenge in my question seemed like one Luna was considering, judging by the silence invading her end of the call.

"Fine," she retorted finally, "I'll be there on Friday."

"Perfect," I mused as I rested my chin on my palms, "Text me your flight details so I know when to come pick you up form the airport, princess."

With a smug smirk, I hung up before Luna could regain her composure from hearing her new nickname for the first time and start protesting.

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