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As my keys twisted in the door knob, squeeky barking and the pitter-patter of stuble nails across the marble floor welcomed us.

"Holly, it's just been a couple of hours" I chuckled as the furry poodle tirelessly lept at my knees, and I couldn't resist kneeling down and ruffling the puppy's caramel colored fur.

"Baby, I want you to meet Luna," Holly whimpered and took a few steps back as Luna emerged from behind me.

"So, I finally get to meet the famous Min Holly," Luna whispered with a warm smile as she outstreched her hand to the dog, which simply tilted its head and perplexidly gazed at the girl.

It felt like I had brought my girlfriend home to meet my parents, just a hundred times worse. Because, technically, Luna wasn't even officially my girlfriend and, well, Holly was my dog.

Which is even more important than parents.

A sigh of relief whooshed out of me as the furry creature nuzzled itself against Luna's hand and merrily started barking again.

"He's adorable," Luna cooed as she started playing with the dog.

With a wide grin etched into my face, I made my way to the living room and placed our bags on the kitchen counter.

"Let me show you were the bathroom is. I'll get you some fresh clothes to change into," I chided.


"Hey, Jiminie, change of plans- I'm coming to sleep at the dorm after all."

"Huh? Why?" Jimin questioned from the other end of the line.

"Well, um, my apartment's... busy," I mentally scold myself for calling the most inquisitive member which just happens to be the one always teasing me about Luna.

"What do you mean 'busy'?" He asked, puzzled.

Taking a deep breathe, I blurted out in one go: "Luna and I were rehearsing late; we went out for coffee; I drove her to her hotel; she couldn't get in to her room since her members were fast asleep; I brought her to my apartment; she's going to be staying here overnight; it'll send the wrong impression if I sleep here too."

"Ooh, hyung," I could hear the smirks in Jimin's voice and I was surprised that my massive eye roll didn't roll me into another dimension.

"Dude, come on. She's my junior," I reasoned.

"A very cute junior," Jimin mused persistently.

"Listen, I am not having this conversation with you right now. Just make sure the front door is unlocked when I get there in ten minutes.

A very stubborn 'nope' resounded on the other line as I was about to hang up.

"What do you mean?" I whisper-yelled as I stepped out to the cold air of the balcony upon hearing Luna closing the bathroom door behind her as she finished.

"What I mean is- there is no way in hell I'm letting you into the dorm knowing there is a possibility for you to stay at your apartment with Luna," Jimin stated firmly.

"I will break down the fucking door if I have to," I growled back icily.

"Well then, have fun getting your skull smashed in with a pan by Jin hyung; you know that he personally paid for the door getting polished last week. Bye~" Jimin's sickly sweet tone was cut off by him hanging up.

That bastard, I made a mental note to smash his skull in whenever I would see him next.

Stepping back into the apartment, warmth rushed to envelope me. But no, not only the physical warmth from the heaters, but an overpowering feeling blossoming in my chest due to the site on the couch.

Luna was curled up on it with Holly peeking his head out of her the nest of her knees. Her inky hair looked like an enchanting galaxy as water droplets glistened against it in the mellow moonlight cascading in from the balcony. Exposing her milky collarbones, my grey hoodie seemed to drown her figure and make her look so huggable. She had taken off her makeup and the sheer comfort and serenity of the situation had my heart melting into a puddle.

This was a site I could get used to, my mind sighed.

Shut up, I snapped back to my own brain as I strode to where she was seated.

"Hey, um, minor update- the dorm is locked so I can't get in. I thought about getting a hotel room, but most hotels only accept pre-bookings. So I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me sta-"

"Yoongi," Luna cut me off with with a disbelieving expression, "Are you seriously asking me if it's alright for you to stay in your own house?"

A sheepish smile made its way unto my face as I scratched the back of my neck, "Maybe?"

Her reply was an exasperated shake of her head and a giggle as Holly attacked her face with sloppy kisses.

"Damn, I'm jealous," I sighed as I sprawled myself on the couch next to them.

"Of me? Or of Holly?" Luna teases with a wink, and couldn't believe my mind couldn't come up with an answer.

"Say, Luna," I muttered after after a few moment of comforting silence in which she simply cuddled my dog and I rested my head on the armrest of the couch.

"About the other night-" I could visibly see a shade of peach rushing into Luna's cheeks as I began,"-there's been this thought nagging at my thoughts and I just needed to get that cleared up, since I don't know if it was just my drunk self's imagination or not."

She nodded her head, gesturing me to carry on.

"When I asked you a question about the guy you liked- Superman, if I remember correctly- your answer seemed to be addressed to me, as if I was the person in question. So, what I wanted to ask you is-

Am I superman?"


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