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Turns out, flying across the globe wasn't the most difficult part of the journey to getting to Yoongi's studio. It was the hour long struggle that began when we entered the doors of BTS' mansion, leading up to when we finally reached the studio on the first floor.

And by 'struggle' I meant the persistent nagging of Jin trying to feed me the mountain of dishes he made specially for me, the unsuccessful bribing of Jimin and Taehyung to let them listen to one of Rose Legion's songs which hadn't been released and, like a cherry on the top, a shirtless Jungkook which ambled in, clad in nothing but loose-fitting grey sweatpants and a damp towel resting on his toned shoulders.

"Hey, Luna," a slight smirk tugged at his lips as he noticed the blush dusting my cheeks, "I didn't know you were arriving today."

"Liar," Yoongi scoffed as he somehow materialized right behind the chair I was sitting on, "I texted you four times while we was driving here to put some damn clothes on before we arrived."

I was almost too distracted by the galore of muscles which looked like they were sculpted from gold flexing and relaxing as Jungkook shrugged to notice the hand which Yoongi had protectively laid on my chair's rest.


"So," Namjoon awkwardly cleared his throat, "Yoongi-hyung told us you came so he could help you produce a song."

"Yeah, that's right," I gladly averted my attention from the glistening water droplets trickling down Jungkook's arresting abdomen as he reached out to grab a lamb skrewer.

"Must be a really special song if you were willing to fly all the way here to produce it," Namjoon chuckled, the action causing crater-like dimples to adorn his cheeks.

"I-I wouldn't say s-special," I finally managed to stutter after a moment of fighting back the urge to bop his dimples, "It just- um, has a lot of meaning to me..."

My eyes were having an exceptionally tough time finding a place to stay at without feeling overwhelmed.

Jimin's shorts revealed his thighs in their full glory as he was sprawled on the couch ,while Taehyung's tongue kept proding his own full lips in concentration as they played a video game in the living room, so looking in that direction wasn't an option. Hobi and Namjoon were seated right in front of me, making my heart brim with fondness at the sight of their dazzling smiles and those darn dimples, so I couldn't look forward either. The corner was also of limits for my eyes, since a certain underdressed boy was leaning against the counter; his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed bite after bite of his lamb skewer while scrolling through his phone.

My eyes followed the movement to the hollow of his throat, then to his broad chest which seemed to have been bathed highlighter as the warm kitchen light reflected off the water which he hadn't dried off, then to his chiseled abs which, if someone had told me they had been torn off a sculpture of a Greek god, I would believe it.

Just before my vision travelled bellow the hem of his sweatpants, the clattering of a fork colliding with a plate yanked me from my unholy eye-feasting session.

"Speaking of the song," Yoongi swiftly got up from his seat next to me, "We should start working on it."

I caught a glimpse of his jaw clenching before he turned around, rendering me with a view of nothing but his messy black hair and black coat attired back as he briskly walked out of the room with me right at his heels.


Two hours went by in a whiff as we went over the previous versions of the song and what aspects I liked/disliked about each, followed by Yoongi creating a rough template for the bass and drums of the song as I browsed through samples for beats he had created through the years.

I was idly flipping through the pages of the notepad in which I'd scribble lyrics and songs whenever they'd come to mind, when a new sample started playing, stopping me dead in my tracks. I closed the notepad and shut my eyes so that I could focus on the beat.

If the word 'sultry' was a song, this would be it. The sample gave of vibes of Beyoncé's 'Partition' and 'House of Cards' blended together, and before I knew it, my hands had once again opened my notepad and turned the pages frantically until they found a certain song.

A song which I had written when I was very drunk and very horny, so the outcome was, well... suggestive, to say the least. I subconsciously bit my lip as I mentally noted how well my lyrics would overlap with the beat.

"Which sample are you listening to?" Yoongi asked as he noted I had already replayed it twice.

"Um..." I hesitantly took the headphones off and handed them to him.

"This one?" Yoongi questioned doubtfully as he replayed the sample, "You really want this beat for the song?"

"Not that song," I clarified as I glanced back down at the risqué lyrics jolted on the page.

Yoongi arched a brow as I timidly handed him my notepad. The moment the book left my hands, I made sure I distracted myself best I could, so I wouldn't have to see his initial reaction to the erotic nonsense I had written on those two pages.

I busied myself in tracing the pattern of the wood of the table, yet I was painfully aware of every time he would replay the sample and go back to the first page of the song.

After a few agonizing moments of silence, Yoongi finally spoke up.

"We should get Taehyung to sing the chorus, and it'd be good if we could have Jungkook harmonizing with him," my head whipped in his direction as I processed what he had just told me.

Wait, is he seriously considering this?

"I could get Candace and Monica to do the first and fifth verses,since they're obviously too much from a female's point of view," I added as heat rushed into my face.

Wait, am I seriously considering this, too?

"Perfect, then we could have Jiminie doing the the second verse, Hobi rapping the third verse, Jin singing the fourth, and you can do the fifth and sixth," Yoongi commanded as he tapped the verses on the page as we assigned names to each.

"Wait, what about you?" I asked after we had distributed parts to everyone. He scanned the pages on which we had noted everyone's names and verses on with no avail.

"Take one of mine!" I suggested as saw he had given me two parts.

"No, I can't. Those two verses are solely from one person's perspective; it wouldn't make sense if two separate people rapped them, princess," he explained.

I was take aback for a moment as the familiar nickname had the same effect it had when I first heard him call me it on the phone; my heart quivered abnormally as I tried stopping the torrents of blood threatening to rush into my face.

"Don't be so stubborn," I pleaded, "We'll just do something in the video or while producing it to show they're connected, okay?"

Yoongi chuckled as he wrote his own name next to the sixth verse.

"Well congratulations, Luna..." the lights of the computer screen in front of us illuminated the soft curve of his lips, the pointed tip of his feline eyes and the bridge of his nose, and made his dark hair appear a luminous sliver shade as he looked me directly in the eye,

"You just got yourself a collaboration with BTS."

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