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                            's chapter 5! OK, so I'm going to be spending a week in Portugal starting tomorrow, so I'll apologise in advance because thenext chapter will probably be a few days late. Don't worry though- I won't abandon this story, because i hate when people do that sometimes. 

Anyway, not a lot of feedback for this story, and that's OK, but a vote/comment would be nice, just to let me know how I'm doing, if anyone is enjoying the story, if anyone would like to let me know if there's something I could improve on. I'd appreciate it :) Enjoy the chapter

Pic is of Nat Crowley -->

The next two weeks passed quickly for Tally. School had been unremarkable, almost boring, but the Christmas holidays were coming up soon, as it was now coming towards the end of November. She had gotten closer to Mia, Eimear, Nat, Shay, Nick, Evan, Kit and Toby and they all ate together on the days most of them weren’t skipping. Tally still wondered how they got away with that but decided that she didn’t really want nor need to know. Tristan was doing well at school and had made lots of new friends, most of whom lived in the village of Knocknashy, the village that was less than a mile away from their grandmother’s house. The only noteworthy thing that had happened with Tally in the last two weeks was the nightmares.

Nightmares were nothing new to Tally- she had been getting them for the better part of the last year, ever since everything had started up with Aden Lanning. However, the deaths of her parents were now added to the reel of horrors that played out behind Tally’s eyelids every night, making the nightmares a million times worse. Tally had hoped that the move would have stopped the nightmares, or at least distracted her, but it seemed that nothing would work. She woke every night in a cold sweat, and it was only the thought of Tristan’s anxious face if he found out about the nightmares that stopped her from screaming out in terror. To make it worse, Tally had gotten an email from one of her old friends form Florida a few days ago- the Florida Parole Commission had come to a decision on the final release date for one of Tally’s ‘acquaintances’.

Although Tally had thought that she might throw up or possibly pass out, she sent an email back to Cami Wilson, thanking her for the update and asking very politely if she could possibly email again if she heard anymore news. Even though she hadn’t been incredibly close to Cami (they’d been partners for a few school assignments), Tally knew that the girl understood. After all, the events of all those month ago weren’t something the town would be forgetting in a hurry.

Still, Tally knew that there was nothing else she could do but wait. He was coming, and he’d be coming soon. It was only a matter of time.

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Evan woke with a start, bathed in a cold sheen of sweat. He gritted his teeth against the involuntary shudders that were racking his small body. He’d had another nightmare- the third one this week. Still shuddering, he grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom to take a shower, careful not to wake Nat, who was still fast asleep on the bed next to Evan’s, or their father, Samuel. If he woke either of them, they’d be all concerned and anxious, and he couldn’t stand feeling smothered after his nightmares. After the horrific things he dreamed of, the very last thing Evan wanted was for people to touch him.

He made it to the bathroom, flicked the light on and locked the door securely behind him, checking it twice to make sure that it wouldn’t just spring open. Although it had been nearly a year since Samuel Crowley had adopted him and given him a real family, Evan was still paranoid- about people sneaking up on him, going to hit him, and sometimes even touching was too much for him.

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