The Phone Call

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So I know that this chapter is way later than I promised, but better late than never, right? Sorry about the wait, but I just had so much going on and then I got writers block... 

I've noticed that there hasn't really been an awful lot of feedback for this story, so I don't really know how i'm doing with it. If at all possible, I'd appreciate it so much if you could comment/vote, let me know how I'm doing.

Enjoy the chapter :)

Pic is of Nick Munroe -->



The high sound of Tally’s ringtone sounded out through the English classroom, seeming to almost echo in the enclosed space. Sitting beside Shay, with Nat and Eimear in front of them, Tally flushed scarlet and sank down into her seat as the teacher glared disapprovingly.

“As I’m sure you’re aware, Thalia, bringing your phone to class is against the school rules. As punishment, I want you to write me a five-page essay on…,” the teacher trailed off, glancing around the classroom thoughtfully for a suitably boring subject. Then he caught sight of Jamie Rogers’ pencil-case, emblazoned with the bright red and green of the Liverpool Football Club’s crest, and his eyes lit up with inspiration. “You will write your essay on the history of Liverpool FC. On my desk tomorrow morning, if you please, or it’ll b detention, and a ten-page essay on golf balls.”

Tally nodded shortly- the only thing she knew about Liverpool FC was that they were an English soccer team, a game Tally knew nothing about. Fun. Nonetheless, she knew even less about golf balls, so she noted the punishment exercise in her homework journal before proceeding to sulk for the remainder of the lesson, ignoring the giggles and snickers of her friends.

The bell rang shortly afterwards, and everyone gathered their things, got up and left. Outside in the crowded corridor, Eimear turned to Tally with a smirk. “You might wanna put your phone on silent mode, Tally. That’s the fifth time it’s gone off today, and the fifth punishment essay you’ve gotten. I mean, it’s only third period!”

Tally grimaced, shoving her hand into her pocket to put the phone on silent. Not that it would make much of a difference- the damn phone was so damaged that it liked to fuck with Tally and switch itself on and off silent at will, like it was possessed by demons. Little did the others know, but that had been the eleventh time her phone had gone off in class today, but thankfully it had been on silent those times, or she’d have to write enough essays to fill several books.

“Aren’t you gonna read it, check who’s been texting you all morning?,” Nat asked curiously as the four of them headed outside to the pitch to meet up with the others for lunch. Apparently Kit was banned from the cafeteria, and Nat and Nick had been strongly advised to stay away after Nick had ‘accidentally’ tripped Nat into the glass door of a snack bar vending machine. Tally shook her head stiffly in response to Nat’s question, wearing an extremely clear ‘fuck off and die’ expression. She knew well who the pests texting her were, and also knew that this was just the beginning. They weren’t going to give up, and Tally was going to have to figure out a way to hide from them.

“So who was it?,” Shay asked curiously, practically bouncing along beside them on the balls of his feet, pausing to give a passing girl a cheeky wink as they walked out through one of the side doors. Tally shook her head. “Just some people from back home,” she answered through gritted teeth, stomping towards where the others were seated on the slightly damp grass.

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